Movies and Shows Similar to Shadow of a Doubt

Rear Window (1998)

Depth Charge (2008)

Innocent (2011)

Path to War (2002)

Chasing Gold (2016)

Original Sins (1995)

Remember Me (1995)

Cloned (1997)

Detective (2005)

Presumed Dead (2006)

Rio Diablo (1993)

Frame Up (1991)

Island at War (2004)

Unforgettable (1996)

Fallen Angel (2008)

The 39 Steps (2008)

The Front (2010)

Lava Storm (2008)

Hamlet (1964)

The Buccaneer (1958)

Battle Circus (1953)

Conagher (1991)

Guernica (2016)

The Favor (1994)

Glorious 39 (2009)

My Gal Sunday (2014)

Counterpoint (1968)

Beau Geste (1939)

Torn Curtain (1966)

Gorky Park (1983)

WiseGirls (2002)

tardisrider : Ya know if treated right Eddings books would make a fantastic series.......