Movies and Shows Similar to Prototype This!

T.H.E. Cat (1966)

Texas (1941)

Calcutta (1947)

Pilgrim (2000)

Campion (1989)

Truth Be Told (2011)

The Cowboy (2016)

Passchendaele (2008)

Nichols (1971)

Force of Evil (1948)

Fatal Memory (2022)

Exile (2023)

406 Days (2023)

Walkin' Hame (2023)

Meeting Kate (2023)

Stardust (2024)

Vote 22 NI (2022)

Gun Frontier (2002)

Gutfeld! (2021)

Wings of '44 (2023)

Poacher (2024)

Outback Farm (2023)

Territory (2024)

raven13 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. That better be Bullseye dressed up like Frank, or like wtf man?