Movies and Shows Similar to Clue Club

D.C. Follies (1987)

Pandamonium (1982)

Fangface (1978)

CB Bears (1977)

Baby Plas (1979)

Monstro! (2010)

Flesh Freaks (2001)

Number 96 (1972)

Ann Jillian (1989)

The New Shmoo (1979)

The Suckling (1990)

Enos (1980)

The Phantom (1931)

Redemption (1930)

Bloodrage (1981)

Deception (1932)

Shell Game (1987)

King Fang (1978)

Sandokan (1992)

Butchered (2013)

Space (1985)

Swan Lake (1981)

Class of '96 (1993)

Barbary Coast (1975)

Sins (1986)

Drainiac! (2000)

Deep Blood (1990)

Cruel Doubt (1992)

Dante89 : Awesome character in this show though haha xD <3