Dis : I do believe the bois still care. They say they don't. But they say a lot of things that...
Dis : That's true Lily. But her "whiteness" was a metaphor for purity. As with most fairy tale...
hellsingfan01 : How about because not only is the story STILL being read to kids today but because the Dis...
bzzzcat : And Pickle Rick was a parody of Die Hard and John Wick...
hellsingfan01 : Yup exactly plus this movie is one giant facepalm.
Ismet : Yea~~~ im gonna pass. I have so much fun reading the comments in here and on the tube rath...
random000 : He's also in this fun version of The Three Musketeers: https://www.primewire.tf/movie/7111...
Rix : At last. After trying since 10:30 pm 3am this WAS CUTE SHORT.
kerfy : "specifically meant to appeal to little girls" No.. it was not "specifically" meant for li...
Dis : The Grimms brothers also had the prince invite the evil Queen to the wedding and when she ...