Movies and Shows Similar to Howard Zinn: A People's History of the United States

Racetrack (1985)

Central Park (1990)

Manoeuvre (1980)

Primate (1974)

Missile (1988)

The Garden (2005)

Addiction (2007)

Near Death (1989)

Aspen (1991)

La danse (2009)

Meat (1976)

Ballet (1995)

A Boy's Life (2003)

The Last Day (1983)

Zoo (1994)

Deaf (1986)

Canal Zone (1977)

Crazy Horse (2011)

The Congress (1989)

Mentor (2014)

Discordia (2004)

Liberty Bound (2004)

Essene (1972)

Ascension (2021)

Whiteley (2017)

Monet (2015)

Alice Neel (2009)

Medea (1970)

Prism (2021)

The Trader (2018)

My Joy (2011)

Pina (2011)

Kundalini (2010)

God's Pocket (2014)

Upper Story (2020)

The Term (2014) (2001)

Odie : No problem! I usually make it a Double Feature with John Carpenters "In the Mouth of Madne...