Movies and Shows Similar to TV's Nastiest Villains

Lucky (2003)

Family Plots (2004)

Belair (2011)

Miami Social (2009)

Tabloid Wars (2006)

RelationShep (2017)

Tour Group (2016)

Fetish (2010)

The Zoo (2010)

Magnum Cop (1978)

Heartbreakers (2014)

Did He Do It? (2015)

Love Kills (2017)

Gallery Girls (2012)

Besieged (1969)

The Slasher (1953)

The Stud (1978)

Tabloid (2014)

Kiss of Death (2017)

Complications (2015)

Forbidden (2013)

The Mortician (2013)

Stardom (2000)

Homework (1982)

Cry Wolfe (2014)

hateorade : wagner moura played pablo escobar in the series Narcos