Movies and Shows Similar to Unaware

Blood Woods (2017)

Reuni Z (2018)

Kandisha (2010)

Catskill Park (2018)

Cold Ground (2017)

Blind Alley (2011)

Sargad (2017)

Dood eind (2006)

Cain Hill (2017)

Expiration (2014)

Atrocious (2011)

Don't Look (2018)

June 9 (2008)

The Reeds (2010)

The Untold (2002)

Alien Valley (2012)

Sanatorium (2013)

Number 55 (2014)

Wekufe (2017)

Modern Love (2006)

Apartment 143 (2012)

Splintered (2010)

Ghost Machine (2010)

Nightlight (2015)

Pig Hunt (2008)

Re-Cut (2010)

51 (2011)

Dominium (2013)

Classroom 6 (2015)

Two Days Back (2011)

Curandero (2005)

Abominable (2020)

The Dead Room (2015)

Devil's Pass (2013)

Deadtectives (2019)

The Tokoloshe (2019)

Nightshot (2018)

The Jungle (2013)

Asylum (2008)

Primeval (2007)

Hip Hop Locos (2001)

Baserca (2015)

Semper Fight (2014)

Mobster (2013)

Apparition (2019)

Slaughter (2009)

Evidence (2012)

Temple (2017)

Rasuk (2018)

iPsycho (2010)

Media Studies (2017)

Rorschach (2015)

Altergeist (2014)

Blood Pi (2020)

Itsy Bitsy (2019)

Piglet : I see that I posted a couple of comments then forgot all about it. For those of you who ha...