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Demon possession movies ( 47 items )
103 Views | 0 favorites | Created 2 months ago by 789123654
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Horror Movies ( 852 items )
3864 Views | 9 favorites | Created 2 years ago by Rosie
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Schitt your shorts Horror ( 607 items )
2758 Views | 6 favorites | Created 3 years ago by hrdheaded4

You’ve seen the rest, now watch the best! You will laugh, cry, then be so terrified you’ll schitt your shorts! WARNING: Buy some pampers before viewing. I will continue to add to this list. 45years + Horror fan

MEDIOCRE ( 156 items )
1903 Views | 6 favorites | Created 4 years ago by ftalker

Not a complete waste of one’s time but not that good either…

Possession ( 161 items )
2400 Views | 10 favorites | Created 4 years ago by Terminator

The movie you’ve been waiting for…without the wait.

Now… Open your eyes to… (1976 re-release)
Something beyond comprehension is happening to a girl on this street, in this house . . . a man has been sent for as a last resort. That man is The E…

Just a few movies from Abraxas ( 579 items )
9338 Views | 6 favorites | Created 5 years ago by Abraxas

Here is an ever growing list of the movies I’ve watched, both past and present. I will try and keep this list as updated as I can. If you are ever looking for something to watch, this list should have you covered.


The Best Movies of 2005 ( 239 items )
8298 Views | 10 favorites | Created 5 years ago by melissa1983
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