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Gavinne ( 638 items )
493 Views | 0 favorites | Created 4 months ago
by Gavinne
No description
[Dystopian] Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, Action, Adventure & Comedy/Romance ( 3310 items )
28200 Views | 36 favorites | Created 1 year ago
by Kassanova9876
Movies & TV shows. Primary genres only include: [Dystopian] Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, Action, Adventure & Comedy/Romance & any other sub-genre by secondary extension.This archive is modified & updated often. |
Lights! Camera!! Guts!!! ( 613 items )
2263 Views | 2 favorites | Created 2 years ago
by hrdheaded4
excellent action movies. The best of the best |
All Things John Carpenter ( 23 items )
594 Views | 7 favorites | Created 4 years ago
by Arcangel2020
A playlist dedicated to the films by Director John Carpenter |
All Things Dystopian Future, Vol. I ( 116 items )
1817 Views | 8 favorites | Created 4 years ago
by Arcangel2020
A Playlist of Sci-Fi Movies and TV series dedicated to those that take place in a bleak future Dystopian Setting |
🤖 Dystopian future & cyberpunk films and TV shows ( 1170 items )
65371 Views | 129 favorites | Created 4 years ago
by Greer
What happens when rebellion, oppression, revolutions, wars, overpopulation, disasters, and artificial intelligence take over the world? Here is a list of plausible bleak futures that film makers have envisioned for us. |
HyzMyzFyt Favorite Movies ( 1811 items )
53092 Views | 53 favorites | Created 4 years ago
by HyzMysFyt
This collection of movies include my favorite movies, the Genre varies from Action, Biography, Comedy, Crime, Dooms Day, Drama, History, Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thriller, War, and Western. Everything Except DC Comics and Marvel Studios, tha… |
Dark Heroes / Marvel / Dc Comics / Nightclub UnderGround / Urban Gothic / City Decay /Urban Setting ( 254 items )
9378 Views | 30 favorites | Created 4 years ago
by Terminator
No description
...And....THERE WAS A FIREFIGHT!!!!! ( 66 items )
2632 Views | 13 favorites | Created 4 years ago
by JennyFromBlockD
Check my otherlists for many other subgenres like time travel, vampires, fantasy, werewolves, dogs, and so so much more! |
John Carpenter Movies ( 21 items )
944 Views | 3 favorites | Created 4 years ago
by ChibiFan7
i noticed there wasn’t a list for this Master director :) thought id rectify that. |
Best Post-Apocalyptic Movies of All Time ( 22 items )
1617 Views | 12 favorites | Created 4 years ago
by JennyFromBlockD
Some sleepers I bet you missed :) Enjoy! |
Apocalyptic Scenarios ( 147 items )
16578 Views | 61 favorites | Created 5 years ago
by RoboPhone
Here’s a list of some of my favorite End of the World Movies. Included are Scorched Earth, Dystopian Futures, Doomsday, and Nuclear Wasteland Themes. NOTE : These are in random order - not ranked nor rated. Check back often as I will be updating t… |
The Best movies of 1996 ( 234 items )
8504 Views | 11 favorites | Created 5 years ago
by melissa1983
Again. A list of good movies that came out in the year 1996. Also, like with my other lists, if a movie has a different year other than 1996, I double checked to make sure. I’m just goin’ by what imdb says. lol. |
Favourite Movies ( 5618 items )
768206 Views | 108 favorites | Created 5 years ago
by cyberfox
A growing list of the movies i like. |
AnHistoricPigeon : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Character-driven sci-fi at its finest. RIP Alex.