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Some of that 80s ( 197 items )
2261 Views | 10 favorites | Created 4 years ago by krayzie951

Best movies from the 80s mostly horror movies but some comedy, action and sci-fy are on the list too

Killers ( 538 items )
8274 Views | 24 favorites | Created 4 years ago by Terminator

If the sight of blood make you feel uncomfortable Then you are un the wrong place!

MORE RARE MOVIES ( 34 items )
1213 Views | 5 favorites | Created 4 years ago by lehpohtiha

more movies which are difficult to find on the internet. this playlist is a continuation of my previous playlist, named RARE MOVIES

Favourite Movies ( 5618 items )
770425 Views | 112 favorites | Created 5 years ago by cyberfox

A growing list of the movies i like.