Description: List is Modified Often. This list features honest, authentic, genuine, real folk music of every kind, such as Metal, Punk, Big Band Swing, Blues, Funk, Reggae, Rockabilly, Psychobilly, Bluegrass, Bebop, Hardbop, drum & bugle corps, international, indigenous & the classical masters, of course. It’s frustrating some need links, so it’s nice if you add them.
If you're reading this & are currently feeling like a lost kitten if there's no download to what you want, send me a pm & I'll help. May or may not have it, but it doesn't hurt to private message. I really will share & make a post just for you. In the file SHARING community, hoarders are not rewarded with adverts here. New links with no download option = no clicky for you.
Due to the rarity of availability of actual real music, all other non-corporate sincere world musics that never got equal time in the press, radio, tv, etc are added when found, including films about musicians & music or where music figures into the film in a significant way or is made by a musician. ♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫ There’s not a lot of good stuff to be found. The best is mostly just not available since there are no imdb listings for everything. Yet for what can be found, it’ll be listed.
This list is fun to sort by Date to group musical eras, and by Title too.
It’s important to say what is NOT here just as much as what is: Ergo, if you’re looking for the heartless, soulless, corporate cookie-cutter assembly line formulaic copycat filth assembled on a computer in a board room with “focus group” data for trashy tv shows that can be found all over Westernized media- or the abomination known as 80s Hair Pop, aka False Metal, where they wear their instruments rather than play them- that’s not here.
Authentic Metal of the 80s was Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Motorhead, Sabbath, Venom, Bathory, Kreator, Coroner, Vader, Sodom, Deicide, Slayer, Nuclear Assault, Sacred Reich, Dark Angel, Death Angel, Voivod, Death, C.O.C., Napalm Death, Pentagram, D.R.I. Metallica before Cliff died, etc. And NOTHING that was on radio or mtv- NOT that cheap manufactured Hollywood boyband hairspray crap. Not here.
The only jazz recognized here is SWING- not that bland awful out of tune elevator muzak junk that calls itself jazz by stealing the name- You can call it jazz all you want, that doesn’t make it jazz.
IT DON’T MEAN A THING IF IT AIN’T GOT THAT SWING! Artists sought after here are the likes of Louis Prima, Louis Armstrong, Louis Jordan, Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw, Glenn Miller, Ziggy Elman, Harry James, Tex Beneke, Marion Hutton, Martha Tilton, Tommy & Jimmy Dorsey, Edyth Wright, Lionel Hampton, Gene Krupa, Teddy Wilson, Specs Powell, Buddy Rich, Louis Belson, Jo Stafford, Kay Star, Chick Webb, Peggy Lee, Connie Haines, Vic Schoen, The Andrews Sisters, The Boswell Sisters, Dick Stabiel, Paul Whiteman, Jack Teagarden, Cab Calloway, Duke Ellington, Billy Strayhorn, Count Basie, Billy Eckstein, Johnny Hodges, Charlie Barnette, Stan Kenton, Charlie Spivak, Les Brown, Johnny Mercer, Xavier Cugat, Glen Grey, Casa Loma… only the true swing masters who invented & perfected authentic jazz… none of their failed pupils who took all the fun out of jazz & bruised it & stole the name. Fact is, all music is about freeing yourself, and all music is identifiable by a rigid discipline that one can freely fly within. The moment it doesn’t sound like that anymore, it isn’t that anymore.
-The music here was born in the garages & sidewalks of the world, not in a Madison Avenue office.
This list is about MUSIC & MUSICIANS who work collaboratively, not self-deluded solo act karaoke singers who have no talent, can’t play an instrument or write their own material, but yet look good ONLY due to the labor of uncredited musicians & market saturation. That’s not music. That’s noise.
Aren't you tired of the bland homogenized cultural treason defecating all over media? Have a GOOD TIME! Choose GOOD MUSIC!
Louis Armstrong said there’s two kinds of music: Good, & then that other stuff. Music is defined as that which is pleasing to the ear. Noise is that which is not. This list is for people who like music rather than noise. You're welcome.
● A note: Some films have no photo or maybe no synopsis but do indeed have links. ● Contributors cannot magickally have links for everything just because a page for it exists since contributors don’t make the pages. Software does that, not people, since it is mirroring IMDB & TVmaze. Software makes the pages, posts the pics, it does all the work. It’s automated.
● Only later are links placed WHEN POSSIBLE. Some things are very rare & hard to find. If you are unwilling to contribute the link yourself, then you’re out of luck. Sometimes (but not always) the only accepted link providers for this domain are Vimeo, Dailymotion & the accursed corporate yootoob. If perchance that’s the way it is, then use your search options & good luck to you in finding treasure from the playlists. This list isn’t a portal to a toobsite. If you dig thase sites, go there. Use their search to find what you want & stay. This list is for actual downloadable movies & tv shows. Videos that cannot be found easily. This list doesn’t exist to generate traffic for invalid sites like that. Care is given that anything listed is connected to a DOWNLOADABLE post.
Toob site link hijacking should be disabled since linking to a toob site will guarantee that posts from a valid DOWNLOAD host will NEVER appear on the front page- preventing fans from knowing when brand new posts are made. It's not rocket science. Linking to toob sites is wrong.
This website is currently accepting link requests, so now’s the time to go to the forum & do that. If links aren’t found here, then DuckDuckGo is your friend. Or try Mojeek. It’s new. It has it’s own bots, so unlike DDG or Brave, it’s not a front-end. It’s a TRUE search engine. is also a good place to dig around for stuff. Playlists like this will have some links, but are also useful as a reference, not unlike IMDB or TVmaze. ✔ Requests are currently accepted in the website forum. Sometimes that isn’t the case which is too bad, but that’s the way it is at times, so it’s best to suck it up & move on. ● ● ● ●
Creator: random000
Posted: 4 years ago
41 favorites
The Red Violin
( 1998 )
A perfect red-colored violin inspires passion, making its way through three centuries over several owners and countries, eventually ending up at an auction where it may find a new owner.
Morgan Agren's Conundrum: A Percussive Misadventure
( 2013 )
What do Frank Zappa, Devin Townsend, and Fredrik Thordendal of Meshuggah have in common? They all re-invented rock music, and they all selected Morgan as their drummer. Yet his 'intentionally broken' and complex drumming makes most musicians plug their ears, go home and practice, or just quit. Praised only by the enlightened few, this 45-year-old husband and humble father remains unknown to popular music listeners. But why? Watch this 2-hour documentary as Morgan visits L.A. in search of an answer to his continuing conundrum: 'The Music or The Money?' Special Guest Appearances by Mats Oberg, Devin Townsend, Marco Minnemann, Mike Keneally, Dweezil Zappa, Tosin Abasi, Thomas Lang, Danny Carey, Brendon Small, Dave Elitch, Simon Phillips, Joe Travers, Raanen Bozzio, Daedelus And Others.
Second Chorus
( 1941 )
When perennial college students Danny O'Neill and Hank Taylor are forced to make it on their own, the competitive pair get jobs with Artie Shaw's band and reunite with ex-manager Ellen Miller.
Dancing Co-Ed
( 1939 )
Right before the dancing Tobins ought to film a new production, his wife tells Freddy Tobin that she's pregnant. So the producer desperately has to seek a replacement and starts a countrywide competition among all college girls. However the contest is bogus: young dancer Patty Marlow is sent to a little college in the Midwest. Only Pug, a college reporter, suspects something.
Do You Love Me
( 1946 )
The woman dean of a music school undergoes a glamorous transformation after she meets a swing bandleader.
If I'm Lucky
( 1946 )
Out-of-work swing band maneuvers a gig working for a political campaign, by drawing in and entertaining prospective voters at rallies. The candidate is really a stooge for a corrupt political machine, which discovers the band's handsome and appealing singer would make a better stooge. Meanwhile, romance blossoms between the band's singers. When election day approaches, the band's singer wants out of the campaign, but the machine threatens to smear him and his pals in the band if he quits.
The Spike Jones Story
( 1989 )
"The Spike Jones Story" is the first documentary made about this innovative, musical humorist. Now, Jones is best remembered as the creator of surreal musical numbers which topped the charts in America for over a decade. These classics are popular because of their inspired and complex lunacy. Jones was an inspiration to dozens like him, such as Monty Python's Flying C...Read all
Fireman Save My Child
( 1954 )
An intended film for Bud Abbott and Lou Costello that ened up with Hugh O'Brian (a performer who was often funny, but not on purpose) and Buddy Hackett in the A&C roles, with most of the footage given over to Spike Jones and His City Slickers, with all hands members of a 1910 fire company about to be mechanized. A&C visible in some long shots.
A Bundle of Blues
( 1933 )
Duke Ellington and his orchestra play two jazz compositions plus 'Stormy Weather' (sung by Ivy Anderson).
Symphony of Swing
( 1939 )
Artie Shaw and his orchestra perform popular songs with guest stars.
Artie Shaw and His Orchestra
( 1939 )
In this 1939 short in the Melody Master series, that was re-released in 1948 and 1955, Artie Shaw) leads his orchestra in "Begin the Beguine","Nightmare", "Non-Stop Flight", "Let's Stop the Clock", sung by Helen Forrest, and "Pross Tchai"/"Good-bye", a comedy Russian number performed by saxophone player Tony Pastor).
Record Party (Short 1947)
( 1947 )
The "setting" of this musical featurette (production number 2311) is the NYC apartment of singer Connie Haines. Her guests include the Page Cavanaugh Trio, the Pied Pipers and night-club comedian and mimic Jackie Green. The number include "The Egg and I" - "When You Wore a Tulip" - "Miss Cinderella" and "The Three Bears."
Riot in Rhythm
( 1957 )
This Musical Featurette has six musical selections; two by Harry James and His Music Makers, a voice-and-guitar number by Johnny O'Neill; two songs by 'The DeCastro Sisters', and a dance number by Ralph & Lorraine.
Harry James and His Music Makers
( 1953 )
In this Universal-International musical featurette (U-I production number 8306)"Harry James and His Music Makers" (which is also the correct title and not "Harry James and the Music Makers", since the Music Makers was the name of his band and was also prefaced with "His"), the featured vocalist with the band is Gale Robbins, with dancers Alain & Ashton also featured. Musical numbers include "Chiribiribin", "Charmaine", "I Got a Crush on You", "Moanin' Low", "The Brave Bulls" and "I'm in a Jam With Baby."
Leave It to Harry
( 1954 )
U-I Musical Featurette features band leader Harry James, his orchestra and singer Jeri Southern performing such numbers as: "Don't Be That Way", "I"ll Remember April", "Palladium Party", "Ultra", "The Two of Us" and "Jazz Me Blues."
Columbia Thrills of Music: Buddy Rich and His Orchestra
( 1949 )
Jack Eigen is the disc jockey and Buddy Rich , with some incredible mugging, leads his orchestra, playing "Kicks With Sticks." Steve Condos tap dances, sometimes with Rich, to "Great Head", and band singer Betty Bonner and Rich sing "A Man Can Be a Wonderful Thing."
Birth of a Band
( 1954 )
A Universal featurette with a slight story line of Dan Terry and his band auditioning for a playdate at a swanky club. Connie Haines sings "I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby" and "I've Got the World on a String", which proves she wasn't afraid of songs with long titles, and the band plays "Totem Pole" and "Southern Fried" and also for Don Gordon while he plays "Mr. Flamingo."
( 1942 )
Connie Haines sings "Idaho," accompanied by Spike Jones and his City Slickers. This music short was made as an RCM Soundie, for coin-operated Pan-O-Ram viewing machines.
Frances Carroll & 'the Coquettes' (Short 1940)
( 1940 )
In this pre-war short, and there were many all-girl bands in the 1930s. However Frances Carroll and her all-girl orchestra, the Coquettes, play several numbers, with Miss Carroll on the vocals, using a bandstand setting. Drummer Viola Smith does a special turn, and there is a tap-dance by Eunice Healy.
The Doors
( 1991 )
The story of the famous and influential 1960s rock band The Doors and its lead singer and composer, Jim Morrison, from his days as a UCLA film student in Los Angeles, to his untimely death in Paris, France at age 27 in 1971.
Cassette: A Documentary Mixtape
( 2016 )
Cassette inventor Lou Ottens digs through his past to figure out why the audiotape won't die. Rock veterans like Henry Rollins, Thurston Moore, and Ian MacKaye join a legion of young bands releasing music on tape to push Lou along on his journey to remember.
The History of Future Folk
( 2013 )
The possibly exaggerated origin story of the real life alien bluegrass band, Future Folk, that has been playing for NYC audiences for the better part of a decade.
Paris Blues
( 1961 )
Ram Bowen and Eddie Cook are two expatriate jazz musicians living in Paris where, unlike the U.S. at the time, jazz musicians are celebrated, and racism is a non-issue. When they meet and fall in love with two young American girls, Lillian and Connie, who are vacationing in France, Ram and Eddie must decide whether they should move back to the U.S. with them or stay in Paris for the freedom it allows them. Ram, who wants to be a serious composer, finds Paris too exciting and is reluctant to give up his music for a relationship, and Eddie wants to stay for the city's more tolerant racial atmosphere.
Way Off Broadway
( 2001 )
Five struggling artists just out of college take a crash course in life as they explore the dynamic of conflict in friendship involving sex, love, failure, and betrayal.
Poly Styrene: I Am a Cliché
( 2021 )
The death of punk icon and X-Ray Spex front-woman Poly Styrene sends her daughter on a journey through her mother's archives in this intimate documentary.
Mary Jane's Not a Virgin Anymore
( 1998 )
Plot is centered around a young woman who works as a movie theatre employee who wrestles with coming of age. Death, puberty, sex and friendships are the themes.
( 1996 )
Legs Sadovsky gets four other high school girls to think for themselves and react to a teacher's sexual harassment, which gets them suspended. They bond, and rebel, at an abandoned house.
The Punk Syndrome
( 2012 )
A Finnish punk-rock band formed by four mentally disabled guys.
Sticky Fingers
( 1988 )
Two girls try hard to find job as musicians. One of them play the cello and the other the violin. They have very little money, even to pay the rent. One day a friend (who's a drug dealer) ask them to hold a bag for him. When the girls discover what's inside the bag they think their problems are solved.
Dennis and Lois
( 2020 )
DENNIS AND LOIS is a documentary about a couple of quirky super music fans who've devoted the last 40 years pursuing the thrill of live music and supporting the bands they love. Now, more than ever, the music has become the one thing that keeps them going. The gigs, the artists, and the body-jolting road trips are what Dennis and Lois live for. If you're at a show and you see them in the audience, chances are the band has got that special something. DENNIS AND LOIS will change the way you look at going out to see live music forever.
We Jam Econo: The Story of the Minutemen
( 2005 )
The Minutemen were a rock band from San Pedro, California. Through interviews with members Mike Watt (bass) and George Hurley (drums), the band's story is revealed. Commentary from other performers such as Flea, Greg Ginn, and Henry Rollins illuminates the band's place in the Southern California music scene and their contribution to music. Concert footage and old interview footage show Watt, Hurley, and departed singer/guitarist D. Boon, who died in an automobile accident in 1985.
A Spell to Ward Off the Darkness
( 2015 )
From pagan re-enactors to failed communes, black metal festivals to Arctic hermits, and the forever Golden Hour to the Northern Lights, 'A Spell to Ward off the Darkness' is an inquiry into the possibilities of a spiritual existence within an increasingly secular Western culture. A participatory ethnography in the best possible sense, A SPELL choreographs the actions of non-actors within existing Scandinavian landscapes in an effort to arrive at a hybrid document of the past, present, and future; it is a record of experience that proposes belief in transcendence as a viable outcome of living in the now.
TV Show:
Clash of the Corps
( 2016 )
Executive Producer Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is here to kick some brass with his new show, Clash of the Corps. Go inside the competitive world of Drum Corps International and follow rivals, The Cadets and Blue Devils as they battle it out for the championship title.
Fela Kuti - Father of Afrobeat (TV Special 2020)
( 2020 )
Fela Kuti, Africa's biggest artist, was also a thorn in the side of Nigeria's military regimes - a revolutionary who fought injustice with his music and a libertine who married 27 wives in one ceremony.
PNYC: Portishead - Roseland New York
( 1998 )
Portishead concert in the Roseland Ballroom, New York City, on the 24th July 1997 with tracks from the albums "Dummy" and "Portishead" played by the band and a 30 piece orchestra.
TV Show:
45 Revoluciones
( 2019 )
In the 60s, a new music genre that was already revolutionizing the world, pop, made its arrival to Spain. Maribel Campoy, a 19-year-old girl developed at the Music Conservatory, sees herself in charge of a new musical brand that will change the rules of the game. Alonside her boss, Guillermo Rojas, and Roberto, a young singer uncovered on the scenarios of the "Matinales" of El Price, Maribel will shed light to a new way of understanding the musical panorama. Three characters that will see themselves involved in a love triangle in an age and social frame where the police charged against anyone who tried to revolutionize the country.
( 1984 )
The life, success and troubles of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, as told by Antonio Salieri, the contemporaneous composer who was insanely jealous of Mozart's talent and claimed to have murdered him.
The Lady in Number 6: Music Saved My Life (Short 2013)
( 2013 )
The Lady In Number 6 is one of the most inspirational and uplifting stories of the year. 109 year old, Aliza Sommer-Herz, the world's oldest pianist and Holocaust survivor shares her story on how to achieve a long and happy life. She discussed the importance of music, laughter and how to have an optimistic outlook on life.
A Late Quartet
( 2012 )
Members of a world-renowned string quartet struggle to stay together in the face of death, competing egos and insuppressible lust.
Mars et Avril
( 2012 )
Based on an acclaimed graphic novel, Mars & Avril is set in Montreal of the future, at the dawn of the first human landing on Mars, and tells the story of a musician who becomes obsessed with his muse.
The Man Who Cried
( 2000 )
A young refugee traveling from Russia to America in search of her lost father falls for a gypsy horseman.
( 2010 )
19-year old Bellend practices playing the violin diligently, but is unable to impart her music with a sensitive slender-tone. Her life changes when she discovers that sexual chocolate stimulates passion in her music.
TV Show:
Our Classical Century
( 2018 )
Our Classical Century brings together the greatest moments in classical music in the UK over the last 100 years, in a four-part series that celebrates moments of extraordinary musical ambition and excellence, deep emotion and of great pleasure, and the artists who have brought audiences this music.Over the course of the series viewers will see and hear how, over the past one hundred years, classical music has given dazzling virtuosity and innovation, and how music provided a unifying soundtrack to the times when national identity and destiny was at stake.The series explores how classical music collided with popular culture, influencing and being influenced by rock music and providing epic film soundtracks. The programme also looks at how classical music is adored by millions, and provides the musical accompaniment to both the most important days as well as the everyday - from weddings to funerals and much more in between.
Vanilla Fudge: Two Worlds Collide
( 2009 )
An American band that first came to prominence in 1967 and recorded a number of albums between 67 and 70, when they split.
Slow Southern Steel
( 2010 )
A film about heavy music in the modern American South, as told by the very people who have created this music during the last two decades. Shot in back alleys, parking lots, and the seedy green rooms of the dirtiest clubs that the Bible Belt failed to snuff out, these die hard musicians discuss their love of music and the south, as well as the difficulties, contradictions, and insanity that haunt every southern artist. There are no illusions here, no apologies, no distractions - only the straight truth as told by those who would know the difference.
The New Guy
( 2002 )
A high school senior branded uncool in the ninth grade gets himself expelled so he changes his image to cool kid at the town's other high school.
Thunder Soul
( 2011 )
Alumni from Houston's storied Kashmere High School Stage Band return home after 35 years to play a tribute concert for their beloved band leader who turned the struggling jazz band into a world-class funk powerhouse in the early 1970s.
Country Hooker
( 1974 )
A couple of musicians are on their way to a show at a country bar. Along the way, they pick up a couple of sexy hitchhiking ladies and decide to pull over for a pitstop. Eventually, they make it to the bar and uncover that the deep voiced country singer that also plays there is also a pimp who uses the "waitresses" to make him some extra cash. It is up to our musician heroes to put an end to the singer and his operation.
Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll
( 2010 )
A biography of Ian Dury, who was stricken with polio at a young age and defied expectations by becoming one of the founders of the punk-rock scene in Britain in the 1970s.
To Rome with Love
( 2012 )
In Rome, the America tourist Hayley meets the local lawyer Michelangelo on the street and soon they fall in love with each other. Hayley's parents, the psychiatrist Phyllis and the retired music producer Jerry, travel to Rome to meet Michelangelo and his parents. When Jerry listens to Michelangelo's father Giancarlo singing opera in the shower, he is convinced that he is a talented opera singer. But there is a problem: Giancarlo can only sing in the shower. The couple Antonio and Milly travel to Rome to meet Antonio's relatives that belong to the high society. Milly goes to the hairdresser while Antonio waits for her in the room. Milly gets lost in Rome and the prostitute Anna mistakenly goes to Antonio's room. Out of the blue, his relatives arrive in the room and they believe Anna is Antonio's wife. Meanwhile the shy Milly meets her favorite actor Luca Salta (Antonio Albanese) and goes to his hotel room "to discuss about movies". One day, the middle-class clerk Leopoldo becomes a celebrity and is hunted by the paparazzo. A couple of days later, he is forgotten by the media. The American architect John travels to Rome with his wife and feels nostalgic since he lived in the city thirty years ago when he was a student. He meets the student of architecture Jack, who lives on the same street that John had lived, and he invited to drink a coffee at his house. Jack lives with his girlfriend Sally (Greta Gerwig) that invites her best friend Monica to stay with them in their house. But soon Jack has a crush on Monica.
Music Within
( 2007 )
The true story of Richard Pimentel, a brilliant public speaker with a troubled past, who returns from Vietnam severely hearing -impaired and finds a new purpose in his landmark efforts on the behalf of Americans with disabilities.
( 2012 )
After losing contact with Earth, Astronaut Lee Miller becomes stranded in orbit alone aboard the abandoned International Space Station. As the life support systems dwindle, Lee battles to maintain his sanity whilst he alternates between performing repairs and reading the 1864 journal of an American Civil War soldier Captain Briggs. He faces a slow, claustrophobic and lonely death, until he discovers the mysterious object found by Briggs aboard the ship.
The Singing Revolution
( 2007 )
Most people don't think about singing when they think about revolutions. But song was the weapon of choice when, between 1986 and 1991, Estonians sought to free themselves from decades of Soviet occupation. During those years, hundreds of thousands gathered in public to sing forbidden patriotic songs and to rally for independence. "The young people, without any political party, and without any politicians, just came together ... not only tens of thousands but hundreds of thousands ... to gather and to sing and to give this nation a new spirit," remarks Mart Laar, a Singing Revolution leader featured in the film and the first post-Soviet Prime Minister of Estonia. "This was the idea of the Singing Revolution." James Tusty and Maureen Castle Tusty's "The Singing Revolution" tells the moving story of how the Estonian people peacefully regained their freedom--and helped topple an empire along the way.
A Week Together
( 1998 )
Sziget Festival has become one of the largest music and cultural events of its kind in Europe. The dates are set for when a flood of festival goers colonize an island in the Danube for a week of madness. Anyone who has ever attended will tell you that there is something unique and indescribable about the atmosphere of the whole happening. Sziget means different things to different people. Some see it as a symbol of freedom while others associate it with love. And then there are those who are just there for the party. Sziget is synonymous with summer, the outdoors and a life lived together for a week every year. Everything spins in a simultaneous cycle for seven days and seven long nights as the music plays and masses of fans let down their hair. Music and faces. These are perhaps the two elements that can provide the greatest taste of Sziget as it really is... It's for those who have been and those still to experience summer in the city as it was meant to be...
Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal
( 2001 )
Terrorists hijack an airplane that is broadcasting a rock concert live on the Internet.
High Voltage
( 2018 )
After a lightning strike kills the lead singer of a band, she is resurrected with electrifying special abilities.
Canone inverso - Making Love
( 2000 )
Costanza is drinking a beer in a Prague pub, a summer night in 1968, while a violinist enters and starts playing a "canone inverso" for her. It is not a case, that music and that violin have a story behind that could concern her. It is the love story between Jeno Varga and the music, between Jeno and Sophie. It is also the friendship story with David on the background of WWII and the 'Prague spring' 25 years later. Music and Love the most powerful link that could resist through the time.
Chelsea on the Rocks
( 2011 )
Chelsea on the Rocks celebrates the personalities and artistic voices that have emerged from the legendary residence, the Chelsea Hotel, in the heart of New York. Once considered an untouchable, impenetrable tower for writers, artists, musicians and mavericks, it has recently been claimed as a boutique hotel venture for a management company that shows blatant disregard for its formidable history.
Halloween Pussy Trap Kill! Kill!
( 2017 )
Members of the all-girl punk rock band "Kill, Pussy, Kill!" must fight for their lives and attempt to outwit an unknown assailant after finding themselves trapped in a madman's maze.
El amante bilingüe
( 1993 )
Joan Mares obsession for the lovely and luscious Norma Valenti takes epic proportions because he cannot let go of her. After he is injured by some skin heads, he uses his scars to pursue his life as a street musician. He devices a plan to get to Norma and she never catches on to his deceit
Blank Generation
( 1980 )
Nada, a beautiful French journalist on assignment in New York, records the life and work of an up and coming punk rock star, Billy. Soon she enters into a volatile relationship with him and must decide whether to continue with it, or return to her lover, a fellow journalist trying to track down the elusive Andy Warhol.
No Alternative
( 2019 )
"No Alternative" is a coming-of-age drama that blasts open the world of grunge-era teenagers in the early 90s. Thomas Harrison is determined to start his own alternative band after the suicide of Kurt Cobain -- it's an obsession that blinds him to what's either the mental collapse, or the eruption of musical genius, of his little sister, Bridget. Bridget boldly rejects her brother's music, and the music of an entire generation of slackers, by taking on the persona of a gangsta' rapper named "Bri Da B."
Nirvana: Live at the Paramount
( 2011 )
On Halloween 1991, Nirvana played live at the Paramount Theater in Seattle. Songs from both albums, "Bleach" and "Nevermind", were performed.
Kurt Cobain About a Son
( 2007 )
In this visual essay style documentary, intimate audio of journalist Michael Azerrad's interviews with Kurt Cobain is played over more recently photographed footage of Cobain's Washington state homes and haunts.
Live at Reading
( 2009 )
"Nirvana headlining at Reading in 1992 was something you had to see, and if you didn't see it then it was something you pretended you saw." --Kerrang (October 2003) "The staggering energy and intensity radiating from the stage never let up... Cobain's ravaged pop songs coming off like some dream marriage of the Sex Pistols and the Beatles, borne on bracing waves of distorted guitar noise." --Rolling Stone (October 29, 1992) Ranked #1 in Kerrang Magazine's "100 Gigs That Shook The World" and voted as "Nirvana's #1 Greatest Moment" by fans in an NME poll, Nirvana's historic August 30, 1992 stands as a watershed moment in the history of rock. While the show's centerpiece was a performance of nearly the entire Nevermind tracklist, also noteworthy were early performances of three as yet unrecorded songs which wouldn't be released until 2 years later on In Utero: "All Apologies," "Dumb," and in its first ever public performance, "Tourettes." The career-spanning setlist also reached back to the band's 1989 Sub Pop debut album, Bleach, for "Blew," "About A Girl," "School," "Negative Creep" and first single "Love Buzz," and even further back to the mid-'80s for "Spank Thru." Other songs from the Reading set would appear in studio form on the Incesticide compilation later in the year: "Aneurysm," "Been A Son" and "Sliver." Additionally, the band played a pair of beloved covers by two bands that helped shape the formative Nirvana sound- "The Money Will Roll Right In" by Fang and "D-7" by The Wipers. SET LIST: 1. Breed 2. Drain You 3. Aneurysm 4. School 5. Sliver 6. In Bloom 7. Come As You Are 8. Lithium 9. About A Girl 10. Tourette's 11. Polly 12. Lounge Act 13. Smells Like Teen Spirit 14. On A Plain 15. Negative Creep 16. Been A Son 17. All Apologies 18. Blew 19. Dumb 20. Stay Away 21. Spank Thru 22. Love Buzz 23. The Money Will Roll Right In 24. D-7 25. Territorial Pissings 26. Credits
Beyond the Sea
( 2004 )
A swooning study of "Mack the Knife" singer Bobby Darin and specifically his relationship with wife Sandra Dee.
Young Man with a Horn
( 1950 )
A young trumpet player is torn between an honest singer and a manipulative heiress.
Going Hollywood
( 1933 )
A love-struck teacher pursues a radio singer to Hollywood.
Flirtation Walk
( 1934 )
A Musical-romance with Dick Powell as a private stationed in Hawaii who gets involved with Ruby Keeler, the general's engaged daughter. In order to avoid a scandal, the pair break up, but meet again years later when Powell's at West Point producing the annual play that turns out to star Keeler.
The Red Shoes
( 1948 )
A young ballet dancer is torn between the man she loves and her pursuit to become a prima ballerina.
Holiday Inn
( 1942 )
At an inn which is only open on holidays, a crooner and a hoofer vie for the affections of a beautiful up-and-coming performer.
Anchors Aweigh
( 1945 )
A pair of sailors on leave try to help a movie extra become a singing star.
Romance on the High Seas
( 1948 )
Romantic misunderstandings abound when spouses suspect each other of being unfaithful, and a nightclub singer takes a cruise under a false identity.
Lullaby of Broadway
( 1951 )
A showgirl returns to her New York home to visit her alcoholic mother, where she catches the eye of a Broadway producer.
It's a Great Feeling
( 1949 )
A waitress at the Warner Bros. commissary is anxious to break into pictures. She thinks her big break may have arrived when two actors agree to help her.
( 1952 )
To impress a movie star, a U.S. Air Force crewman pretends he is soon to see combat. When his lie gets out, chaos ensues.
Billy Rose's Jumbo
( 1962 )
A debt-ridden circus is saved by a well-meaning but inept publicity man.
Young at Heart
( 1954 )
The lives and romances of three sisters in a musical family; the youngest daughter's life is complicated by the subsequent arrival of a charming composer and a cynical music arranger.
Tea for Two
( 1950 )
In this reworking of "No, No, Nanette," wealthy heiress Nanette Carter bets her uncle $25,000 that she can say "no" to everything for 48 hours. If she wins, she can invest the money in a Broadway show featuring songs written by her beau, and of course, in which she will star. Trouble is, she doesn't realize her uncle's been wiped out by the Stock Market crash.
April in Paris
( 1953 )
A series of misunderstandings leads to a chorus girl traveling to Paris to represent the American theater, where she falls in love with a befuddled bureaucrat.
Ain't Misbehavin'
( 1955 )
Rowdy young girl crashes high society when wealthy older man falls for her.
High Flyers
( 1937 )
Two men running a carnival airplane ride are hired to fly to retrieve what they think are photos for a reporter. Actually, they are retrieving diamonds stolen from a noted gem dealer. As it turns out, their plane crashes on the very estate of the dealer. Thinking the duo are police officers, the dealer offers his home for their convalescence from the accident. Meanwhile, the diamonds have been snatched by a kleptomaniac dog and buried on the estate. When the smugglers track down the pair, they try to convince the dealer that they are officials from an institution from which the two have escaped. Before long, the carnival fellows, the crooks, the gem dealer and his family, along with a platoon of cops, are tearing up the grounds to find where the dog has buried the diamonds.
Strada placerilor
( 2002 )
A handyman in a 1940s Paris brothel tries to help the prostitute he loves with her singing career and romantic life.
Bight of the Twin
( 2016 )
A documentary film that will take viewers to Ouidah, Benin, the geographic heart of the Vodoun religion, where friends and collaborators, director Hazel Hill McCarthy, III and cultural engineer Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, explore the relationship between Vodoun and Western secular art and performance by trying to answer the question of what embodiment is.
Harthal : Contains spoilers. Click to show. I think Myles did PD a favor since he couldnt even compete, and others were on board. Loga...