Description: List is Modified Often. This list features honest, authentic, genuine, real folk music of every kind, such as Metal, Punk, Big Band Swing, Blues, Funk, Reggae, Rockabilly, Psychobilly, Bluegrass, Bebop, Hardbop, drum & bugle corps, international, indigenous & the classical masters, of course. It’s frustrating some need links, so it’s nice if you add them.
If you're reading this & are currently feeling like a lost kitten if there's no download to what you want, send me a pm & I'll help. May or may not have it, but it doesn't hurt to private message. I really will share & make a post just for you. In the file SHARING community, hoarders are not rewarded with adverts here. New links with no download option = no clicky for you.
Due to the rarity of availability of actual real music, all other non-corporate sincere world musics that never got equal time in the press, radio, tv, etc are added when found, including films about musicians & music or where music figures into the film in a significant way or is made by a musician. ♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♫ There’s not a lot of good stuff to be found. The best is mostly just not available since there are no imdb listings for everything. Yet for what can be found, it’ll be listed.
This list is fun to sort by Date to group musical eras, and by Title too.
It’s important to say what is NOT here just as much as what is: Ergo, if you’re looking for the heartless, soulless, corporate cookie-cutter assembly line formulaic copycat filth assembled on a computer in a board room with “focus group” data for trashy tv shows that can be found all over Westernized media- or the abomination known as 80s Hair Pop, aka False Metal, where they wear their instruments rather than play them- that’s not here.
Authentic Metal of the 80s was Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Motorhead, Sabbath, Venom, Bathory, Kreator, Coroner, Vader, Sodom, Deicide, Slayer, Nuclear Assault, Sacred Reich, Dark Angel, Death Angel, Voivod, Death, C.O.C., Napalm Death, Pentagram, D.R.I. Metallica before Cliff died, etc. And NOTHING that was on radio or mtv- NOT that cheap manufactured Hollywood boyband hairspray crap. Not here.
The only jazz recognized here is SWING- not that bland awful out of tune elevator muzak junk that calls itself jazz by stealing the name- You can call it jazz all you want, that doesn’t make it jazz.
IT DON’T MEAN A THING IF IT AIN’T GOT THAT SWING! Artists sought after here are the likes of Louis Prima, Louis Armstrong, Louis Jordan, Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw, Glenn Miller, Ziggy Elman, Harry James, Tex Beneke, Marion Hutton, Martha Tilton, Tommy & Jimmy Dorsey, Edyth Wright, Lionel Hampton, Gene Krupa, Teddy Wilson, Specs Powell, Buddy Rich, Louis Belson, Jo Stafford, Kay Star, Chick Webb, Peggy Lee, Connie Haines, Vic Schoen, The Andrews Sisters, The Boswell Sisters, Dick Stabiel, Paul Whiteman, Jack Teagarden, Cab Calloway, Duke Ellington, Billy Strayhorn, Count Basie, Billy Eckstein, Johnny Hodges, Charlie Barnette, Stan Kenton, Charlie Spivak, Les Brown, Johnny Mercer, Xavier Cugat, Glen Grey, Casa Loma… only the true swing masters who invented & perfected authentic jazz… none of their failed pupils who took all the fun out of jazz & bruised it & stole the name. Fact is, all music is about freeing yourself, and all music is identifiable by a rigid discipline that one can freely fly within. The moment it doesn’t sound like that anymore, it isn’t that anymore.
-The music here was born in the garages & sidewalks of the world, not in a Madison Avenue office.
This list is about MUSIC & MUSICIANS who work collaboratively, not self-deluded solo act karaoke singers who have no talent, can’t play an instrument or write their own material, but yet look good ONLY due to the labor of uncredited musicians & market saturation. That’s not music. That’s noise.
Aren't you tired of the bland homogenized cultural treason defecating all over media? Have a GOOD TIME! Choose GOOD MUSIC!
Louis Armstrong said there’s two kinds of music: Good, & then that other stuff. Music is defined as that which is pleasing to the ear. Noise is that which is not. This list is for people who like music rather than noise. You're welcome.
● A note: Some films have no photo or maybe no synopsis but do indeed have links. ● Contributors cannot magickally have links for everything just because a page for it exists since contributors don’t make the pages. Software does that, not people, since it is mirroring IMDB & TVmaze. Software makes the pages, posts the pics, it does all the work. It’s automated.
● Only later are links placed WHEN POSSIBLE. Some things are very rare & hard to find. If you are unwilling to contribute the link yourself, then you’re out of luck. Sometimes (but not always) the only accepted link providers for this domain are Vimeo, Dailymotion & the accursed corporate yootoob. If perchance that’s the way it is, then use your search options & good luck to you in finding treasure from the playlists. This list isn’t a portal to a toobsite. If you dig thase sites, go there. Use their search to find what you want & stay. This list is for actual downloadable movies & tv shows. Videos that cannot be found easily. This list doesn’t exist to generate traffic for invalid sites like that. Care is given that anything listed is connected to a DOWNLOADABLE post.
Toob site link hijacking should be disabled since linking to a toob site will guarantee that posts from a valid DOWNLOAD host will NEVER appear on the front page- preventing fans from knowing when brand new posts are made. It's not rocket science. Linking to toob sites is wrong.
This website is currently accepting link requests, so now’s the time to go to the forum & do that. If links aren’t found here, then DuckDuckGo is your friend. Or try Mojeek. It’s new. It has it’s own bots, so unlike DDG or Brave, it’s not a front-end. It’s a TRUE search engine. is also a good place to dig around for stuff. Playlists like this will have some links, but are also useful as a reference, not unlike IMDB or TVmaze. ✔ Requests are currently accepted in the website forum. Sometimes that isn’t the case which is too bad, but that’s the way it is at times, so it’s best to suck it up & move on. ● ● ● ●
Creator: random000
Posted: 4 years ago
41 favorites
The Doors: Dance on Fire
( 1985 )
A combination of concert footage, television appearances, record company promo clips and new video footage shows the Doors, a top '60s rock band.
The Doors: The Soft Parade
( 1991 )
A collage of vintage clips, interviews and musical performances by The Doors, mounted by Ray Manzarek and, among other things, showing Jim Morrison's charming side.
Doors: Mr. Mojo Risin' - The Story of L.A. Woman
( 2012 )
The Doors didn't simply "break on through" in the late 1960s. Led by rock poet and frontman Jim Morrison, they exploded onto the music scene. Over four years, they provided the soundtrack to a counterculture movement that galvanized young Americans and terrified adults. But by 1970 Morrison's life was spiraling, and their sixth studio album, "L.A. Woman," was in danger of being scrapped. Take an in-depth look at the making of this seminal record, one of the band's greatest releases, and the final work of rock's legendary Rider on the Storm.
The Doors Collection
( 1999 )
A collection of short films, interviews and concert footage of the '60s rock band The Doors.
When You're Strange
( 2010 )
A chronological look at The Doors, focusing on lead singer, Jim Morrison (1943-1971), from the formation of the band in 1965, it's first gigs, and first album, to Morrison's death, after years of alcohol and drug use. Along the journey, we see archival footage of rehearsals, performances, and private moments including a Miami concert resulting in Morrison's arrest and trial for indecency. His love of the spotlight, his desire to be a poet, and his alcohol-fueled mood swings lead to a back and forth between public and private desires, successes, and failures. The band's music plays throughout.
( 2012 )
A concert depicting the performance of the Doors at the Hollywood Bool in 1968.
Third Mind Blues
( 2017 )
Doors keyboardist, Ray Manzarek, and Delta Blues guitarist, Roy Rogers, come together to create 'twenty-first century blues.'
Bed Peace
( 1969 )
John and Yoko in the presidential suite at the Hilton Amsterdam, which they had decorated with hand-drawn signs above their bed reading "Bed Peace." They invited the global press into their room to discuss peace for 12 hours every day. "We sent out a card: 'Come to John and Yoko's honeymoon: a bed-in, Amsterdam Hotel,'" Lennon said in Anthology. "You should have seen the faces on the reporters and the cameramen fighting their way through the door! Because whatever it is, is in people's minds - their minds were full of what they thought was going to happen. They fought their way in, and their faces dropped. "There were we like two angels in bed, with flowers all around us, and peace and love on our heads," he continued. "We were fully clothed; the bed was just an accessory. We were wearing pajamas, but they don't look much different from day clothes - nothing showing."
Turn on, Tune in, Drop Out
( 1967 )
Turn on, Tune in, Drop out!
5 psychedelic short films, broadcast on the French/German tv channel "arte" on 2007-07-16
Length: 47 min.
1. "Be-In" USA 1967, 7 min.
Director and writer: Jerry Abrams; music: Blue Cheer (unreleased track)
Captures the spirit and essence of the great San Francisco Human Be-In of January 14, 1967. Ten thousand people imbued with peace, love and euphoria. Set to hard rock such as only San Francisco blues can produce. "Be-In" features footage of Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Timothy Leary, Michael McClure, Lenore Kandel and The Grateful Dead.
2. "Beatles Electronique" USA 1966-69, 3 min.
Directors and writers: Nam June Paik, Jud Yalkut; music: Kenneth Lerner (unreleased)
"Beatles Electronique" is a mesmerizing improvisation that reveals Paik's early engagement with the manipulation of pop cultural material. Against a looped electronic soundtrack, images of the Beatles from "A Hard Day's Night" and performing at Shea Stadium are transformed into an eerily hypnotic study.
3. "San Francisco" Great Britain 1967/68, 15 min.
Director and writer: Anthony Stern; music: Pink Floyd - Interstellar Overdrive (unreleased version, recorded at Thompson
Private Recording Studios on 31 October 1966 (or there about))
Anthony Stern's "San Francisco" could be described as a city film and allied with Jean Vigo's "A Propos de Nice" (France, 1930) and Walther Ruttman's "Berlin: die Sinfonie der Großstadt" (Berlin: Symphony of a City, Germany, 1927). (...) The music that accompanies the film is occasionally synched to various San Franciscan musicians - march bands, street musicians, bands on stage - it was, however, recorded in London (...) and was played by The Pink Floyd. The track, 'Interstellar Overdrive', at first drives the film, the flickering and flashing images matching the music's propulsive beat. Later, as the music calms, our attention is led more explicitly to the images. Now the rapid cutting decreases and the film concentrates on a house and the ritualistic occult activity contained therein. (...) These changes in music and image create a focus point and then, as the music returns triumphantly to its original pattern, a grand finale. The use of 'Interstellar Overdrive' came about through an intermix of relations between Stern, The Pink Floyd's Syd Barrett, and filmmaker Peter Whitehead. All three had lived in Cambridge and all three had had painting exhibitions in the same upper room of the Lion and Lamb pub in the village of Milton. Stern later worked on several Whitehead films, including "Tonite Lets All Make Love in London" (1967) and, through his friendship with Barrett, succeeded in bringing the three together again in London. This lead to the use of 'Interstellar Overdrive' in both "Tonite" and then in "San Francisco". William Fowler.
4. "Andy Warhol's Exploding Plastic Inevitable" USA/Great Britain 1967, 12 min.
Director and writer: Ronald Nameth; music: The Velvet Underground (unreleased live versions)
5. "Eyetoon" USA 1967/68, 8 min.
Director and writer: Jerry Abrams; music: David Litwin, Different Fur Trading Co (unreleased)
"The sea, tranquil and violent, is the ultimate symbol for Jerry Abrams' 'EYETOON' and the ultimate equivalent to making love - his concern in this short and visually dazzling film. Abrams contrasts the rushing faces of New York and a highway juggernaut with the peaceful joining of bodies in a Gjon Mili-like stroboscopic sequence - always with a burbling, flashing maelstrom of emotions underlying and double-exposing with the bodies. It is visually lovely, technically first-rate and impossible to ignore. The graphic sex is economically handled." - John L. Wasserman, San Francisco Chronicle
"The film 'EYETOON' would seem to be the perfect synthesis of the metaphysical, spiritual and sexual feelings of a sensitive experimental filmmaker." - Reverend Earl Shagley
My Psychedelic Love Story
( 2020 )
An examination of the notorious high priest of LSD Timothy Leary through the eyes of his famed lover Joanna Harcourt-Smith. Academy Award® winning director Errol Morris recounts the wild adventures of two seemingly innocent people on the run in this international saga of mystery and lust. But was Leary's "perfect love" a CIA plant who helped take him down? Or was she simply a rich, beautiful young woman out for the adventure of a lifetime with the man Richard Nixon called "Public Enemy #1"?
Six-String Samurai
( 1998 )
In the post-apocalyptic world of 1990s Nevada, a rock 'n' roll samurai on his way to Lost Vegas takes a young orphan boy under his protection as Death and his metalhead Horsemen chase after them.
I'm Now: The Story of Mudhoney
( 2012 )
This documentary tells the story of Mudhoney from their very beginnings, to following them on their recent world tour and everything in between. Complete with testimonials from friends, music industry veterans and musicians such as Pearl Jam's Stone Gossard and Jeff Ament, Sonic Youth's Kim Gordon and Thurston Moore, Soundgarden's Kim Thayil and Mudhoney themselves. This is the true story of the founding fathers of Grunge.
Bob Marley: The Making of a Legend
( 2011 )
Based on footage shot in the early seventies and lost for more than thirty years, NAACP IMAGE AWARD winner Esther Anderson takes us on a journey to Jamaica and into 56 HOPE ROAD, Kingston, to see and hear the young BOB MARLEY before he was famous. The film shows us the WAILERS' first rehearsal, when the idea of a Jamaican supergroup like the BEATLES or the STONES was still just a dream. We sit in on the launch of their international career with "GET UP STAND UP", "I SHOT THE SHERIFF", and the "BURNIN'" and "CATCH A FIRE" albums that brought to the world REGGAE music and RASTA consciousness together as one, starting a revolution that would change rock music and contemporary culture.
Bob Marley: Uprising Live! (TV Special 1981)
The Uprising Tour was Bob Marley's last tour before his tragic early death in May 1981. Marley's energetic, charismatic performance gives no indication that he was already ill with the cancer that would take his life less than a year later. With very few Bob Marley live concerts available this is a welcome addition for any fan.
Bob Marley: Spiritual Journey
( 2004 )
Through interviews and newsreel clips, this documentary attempts to measure Bob Marley's impact on the world. The film explores Marley's career as a reggae musician, the first to take the music out of Jamaica, and as a symbol of spiritual peace and human compassion through his Rastafarian faith.
Bob Marley: Giant
( 2014 )
Dennis Morris, photographer for Jamaican reggae singer-songwriter Bob Marley during the 1970's, tells the stories behind many of his iconic images of the musician taken at concerts, backstage, and between shows.
ReMastered: Who Shot the Sheriff?
( 2018 )
The violent political suppression of the roots reggae movement in Jamaica told through an investigation into Jamaican politics and the CIA's involvement in the mysterious shooting of Bob Marley.
Bob Marley Freedom Road
( 2007 )
He was and is, without doubt, Jamaica's finest export and in this programme we can reveal for the first time the behind the scenes Bob Marley that only his closest confidantes could know.
( 2012 )
A documentary on the life, music, and legacy of Bob Marley.
Chuck Berry Hail! Hail! Rock 'n' Roll
( 1987 )
This documentary movie covers two concerts at the Fox Theatre in St. Louis, Missouri, to celebrate Chuck Berry's 60th birthday, and also discusses his life and career.
Let the Good Times Roll
( 1973 )
This lively documentary celebrates 1950s rock 'n' roll, both through archival clips of the era and concert footage filmed during the '70s. Although the musicians have aged, the performances are remarkably vibrant, with many acts in fine form. Among the many artists featured are Bill Haley and the Comets, Fats Domino, the Shirelles, Little Richard, Bo Diddley and Chuck Berry. In one of the film's highlights, Diddley and Berry take the stage together to the applause of a rapt audience.
Blue Suede Shoes
( 1980 )
This documentary shows the revival of British rock n' roll as it follows a weekend pilgrimage of Teddy Boys, Rockabilly Rebels and Rockers. Bands performing include Bill Haley and the Comets, Crazy Cavan & the Rhythm Rockers, Matchbox, Flying Saucers, Freddie Fingers Lee, Ray Campi and his Rockabilly Rebels.
The T.A.M.I. Show
( 1964 )
Surf pop duo, Jan and Dean host this showcase of performances by well-known Rock, R&B, and pop stars of the era.
James Brown: The Man, the Music, & the Message
( 2008 )
James Brown: The Man, The Music & The Message is an inspiring program focusing on the remarkable life story of James Brown and how he influenced the world through his music and civic accomplishments. The film specifically explores James Brown's transition from an at-risk youth who faces life's difficult circumstances and challenges to a cultural icon. It also features private interviews and appearances from various entertainment celebrities including Michael Jackson. This entertainment special will send a positive message to the nation by paying homage to the man, the music, and the message of James Brown.
The Night James Brown Saved Boston
( 2008 )
The film documents that remarkable concert and the politics around it. Boston Mayor Kevin White and his colleagues almost by accident realized that by televising the James Brown concert they could keep people indoors that night prevent widespread rioting. The film is almost testimony to the power of music in general and the power of James Brown's music in particular. The film is a tribute to the Godfather of Soul and the role he would come to play in working for civil rights.
James Brown: Live from the House of Blues
( 2000 )
The hardest working man in show business brings down the House of Blues with a live concert event in Las Vegas. Recorded with high definition equipment, James Brown's influential music, uninhibited style and energetic stage presence are captured like never before. Generations of fans rejoice as the undisputed "Godfather of Soul" takes his diverse audience on a journey through five decades of chart-topping hits.
Good Evening Ev'rybody: In Celebration of Louis Armstrong
( 2008 )
A musical celebration you'll never forget, GOOD EVENING EV'RYBODY brings together Louis Armstrong and musical guests for a never-before-released concert performance in honor of Armstrong's 70th birthday at the Newport Jazz Festival.
Louis Armstrong - Chicago Style
( 1976 )
The story of how jazz great Louis Armstrong got his start playing in Chicago clubs, how he was framed on a drug charge, and his travels throughout Europe, where he first gained worldwide fame.
The Five Pennies
( 1959 )
Loring "Red" Nichols is a cornet-playing country boy who goes to New York in the 1920s full of musical ambition and principles. He gets a job playing in Wil Paradise's band, but quits to pursue his dream of playing Dixieland jazz. He forms the "Five Pennies" which features his wife, Bobbie, as vocalist. At the peak of his fame, Red and Bobbie's daughter, Dorothy, develops polio. Red quits the music business to move to Los Angeles where the climate is better for Dorothy. As Dorothy becomes a young teen, she learns of her father's musical past, and he is persuaded to open a small nightclub which is failing until some noted names from his past come to help out.
Up from the Streets: New Orleans: The City of Music
( 2020 )
The history of the city is distinct from any other in the US. The music created here became a powerful form of expression of the joys and sorrows of life. The film looks at the evolution of New Orleans music and how it has reflected the culture and times in which it was created. From the drumming by free people of color and enslaved Africans at Congo Square, to the explosion of musical styles that can still be heard on the streets of the city, the power of music to change lives is evident. Personal reflections by New Orleans' musicians, commentary by national and international musicians along with archival and newly filmed performances, paint the picture of "this city of music". The sounds and rhythms of New Orleans were the foundation of American music and continue to carry the torch of a liberating expression into the future.
Swing Cat's Jamboree
( 1938 )
"Swing cat" Louis Prima and his jazz quintet play songs and accompany featured singers and dancers.
Louis Prima: In Person!
( 2010 )
LOUIS PRIMA: IN PERSON is a vibrant two hour special with full length performances from Louis Prima's storied career covering the years 1937 to 1971. Prima, on trumpet and vocals, is joined by singers Keely Smith and Gia Maione.
Sinatra: The Classic Duets
( 2002 )
Compilation of musical performances featuring Frank Sinatra singing a series of duets with Dean Martin, Elvis Presley, Bing Crosby and Sammy Davis, Jr. amongst others.
It's a Rockabilly World!
( 2016 )
Rockabilly is a subculture whose members operate as if they are living in the 1950's. The Rockabilly World is a place where one can dare to be different.
The Brian Setzer Orchestra: Live in Japan
( 2002 )
Rock and Roll's ultimate revivalist, Brian Setzer takes his swinging big band to Japan for this hot, hot, hot concert in the Land of the Rising Sun. Having led the resurgence of rockabilly in the '80s with his band the Stray Cats, Setzer has turned his muse to swing music and helped to restore this great music to the mainstream of popular music during the '90s and continues into the new millennium. Recorded live at Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo, Japan.
The Truth About De-Evolution (Short 1976)
Several factory workers finish their day at work and get into a car. They drive to a club where they perform the song Secret Agent Man as a rock quartet. A man with a mask of a child named Booji Boy runs into a building where his father, a man named General Boy is waiting. Subsequently, a man gives a lecture by song on the subject of devolution.
Devo: The Men Who Make the Music
( 1981 )
The Men Who Make the Music combines concert footage from DEVO's 1978 tour with music videos and interstitials featuring a vague story about DEVO's rocky relationship with "Big Entertainment."
Devo: Live 1980
( 2005 )
It's becoming rare nowadays for full length show to have survived from this era, but that's what you get here. Devo Live 1980 features the August 17th show at the Phoenix Theatre, Petaluma in 1980.
Devo: Live
( 2004 )
One of the most innovative and recognizable bands of the 80's, Devo reunited for this remarkable performance in 1996 at Irvine Meadows, California
The Fabulous Dorseys
( 1947 )
The rise and rise of the Fabulous Dorsey brothers is charted in this whimsical step down memory lane, Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey play themselves in this vehicle for their excellent music. From being raised by their father who insists on them learning music, to the split that just saw their careers rise even further.
Make Mine Music
( 1946 )
Animation done to contemporary popular music.
TV Show:
Austin City Limits
( 1974 )
Austin City Limits is an American television music program and a staple of the Public Broadcasting Service. Austin City Limits was initially created with an eye and ear toward original Texas music, featuring artists that created innovative new sounds in everything from western swing and Texas blues to Tejano music, progressive country and rock n' roll. The series went on to feature a wide range of American roots artists, covering a variety of styles and expanding beyond the borders of the Lone Star State. As the programs audience has grown, the music has encompassed regional, national and even international performers, and producer Terry Lickona continues to seek a balance of music genres in every new season. Austin City Limits today focuses on the unique contributions of diverse artists, music and songwriting from around the world.
Clockwork Orange County
( 2012 )
A Documentary about the rise of west coast punk rock in the 1970s featuring concert clips from Iggy Pop, The Ramones, Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, Circle Jerks and more.
American Drug War: The Last White Hope
( 2007 )
The War on Drugs has become the longest and most costly war in American history, the question has become, how much more can the country endure? Inspired by the death of four family members from "legal drugs" Texas filmmaker Kevin Booth sets out to discover why the Drug War has become such a big failure. Three and a half years in the making the film follows gang members, former DEA agents, CIA officers, narcotics officers, judges, politicians, prisoners and celebrities. Most notably the film befriends Freeway Ricky Ross; the man many accuse for starting the Crack epidemic, who after being arrested discovered that his cocaine source had been working for the CIA. AMERICAN DRUG WAR shows how money, power and greed have corrupted not just dope fiends but an entire government. More importantly, it shows what can be done about it. This is not some 'pro-drug' stoner film, but a collection of expert testimonials from the ground troops on the front lines of the drug war, the ones who are fighting it and the ones who are living it.
( 1992 )
Salad of a Thousand Delights is a home video by the Melvins, which was released in 1992 through Box Dog Video. Recorded live at the North Shore Surf Club, Olympia, Washington, May 16, 1991. The video was rereleased on DVD (90 mins) in 2003.
Bikini Bandits
( 2002 )
The Bikini Bandits are sent to hell after their car goes off a cliff.
River's Edge
( 1987 )
A high school slacker commits a shocking act and proceeds to let his friends in on the secret. However, the friends' reaction is almost as ambiguous and perplexing as the crime itself.
Death by Metal
( 2018 )
The story of the influential American death metal band 'Death' from Orlando, Florida, founded in 1983 by the late guitarist and vocalist Chuck Schuldiner.
Last Days Here
( 2011 )
Documentary follows Bobby Liebling, lead singer of seminal hard rock/heavy metal band Pentagram, as he battles decades of hard drug addiction and personal demons to try and get his life back.
TV Show:
( 2016 )
From Martin Scorsese, Mick Jagger and Terence Winter, this new drama series is set in 1970s New York. A ride through the sex- and drug-addled music business at the dawn of punk, disco, and hip-hop, the show is seen through the eyes of a record label president, Richie Finestra, who is trying to save his company and his soul without destroying everyone in his path.
Records Collecting Dust
( 2015 )
Written and directed by San Diego based musician and filmmaker Jason Blackmore, Records Collecting Dust documents the vinyl record collections, origins, and holy grails of alternative music icons Jello Biafra, Chuck Dukowski, Keith Morris, John Reis, and over thirty other underground music comrades. Records Collecting Dust is set for theater release in January 2015.
Sounds Like a Revolution
( 2010 )
Documents the rise of a new generation of activist musicians who are living proof that music is a powerful tool in the ongoing struggle for social change. From the Dixie Chicks to Michael Franti to the punk band Anti-Flag, artists across the musical spectrum recount their motivations and struggles over the last decade, in a post-9/11 world where dissent has been silenced and censorship is commonplace. No ordinary music doc, this inspiring rockumentary draws on the power of music and insights of artists to help us understand our world and find the courage to speak out about issues that concern us all.
Punk: Attitude
( 2005 )
Punk: Attitude is a documentary on the history of punk rock in the U.S.A. and U.K. The film traces the different styles of punk from their roots in '60s garage and psychedelic bands (Count Five, The Stooges) through glam-punk (New York Dolls) to the '70s New York and London scenes and into the hardcore present. Interviews with many of the musicians are edited with live clips and historical footage.
Anarchism in America
( 1983 )
A colorful and provocative survey of anarchism in America, the film attempts to dispel popular misconceptions and trace the historical development of the movement. The film explores the movement both as a native American philosophy stemming from 19th century American traditions of individualism, and as a foreign ideology brought to America by immigrants. The film features rare archival footage and interviews with significant personalities in anarchist history including Murray Boochkin and Karl Hess, and also live performance footage of the Dead Kennedys.
Beyond Barricades
( 2020 )
A documentary on political punk band Anti-Flag. The film explores the trials and tribulations of playing politically charged music and devoting your life to activism.
StreetPunk: The Movie
( 2000 )
A two hour monster film by Stuart Newman, documenting the UK Punk Rock scene just prior to the turn of the new Century. Comes in Crass style fold-out paper cover with exclusive directors notes on the making of the movie... A never fully finished compilation of Punk Rock footage from around the UK at the end of the 90's. Features a Street Party outside the Sex Pistols reunion gig, Morcambe Holidays in the sun festival 97 footage and a London Punks Picnic....Bands Featured (including ) UK Subs, The Varukers, One Way System, Menace, Guitar Gansters and lots more - It's rough as fuck - and stinks of snakebite!
Turn It Around: The Story of East Bay Punk
( 2017 )
A documentary spanning over 30 years of the California Bay Area's punk music history with a central focus on the emergence of Berkeley's inspiring 924 Gilman Street music collective.
Iggy & the Stooges: Live in Detroit
( 2004 )
Features Iggy Pop and the original lineup of the Stooges (except for bassist Mike Watt) performing at their first Detroit homecoming in 29 years.
Iggy & The Stooges: Raw Power Live - In the Hands of the Fans
( 2011 )
Through an online contest, six fans were selected to film Iggy & the Stooges' legendary September 3, 2010 reunion as the band performed "Raw Power" to a stunned crowd at the All Tomorrow's Parties Festival. Following the performance, the fans met and interviewed the band. Experience the fans' journey and joy as they witness a classic performance and meet their heroes face to face. Part concert film, part reality TV, "In the Hands of the Fans" brings the fans closer to the band and the music closer to you.
American Valhalla
( 2017 )
Directed by Andreas Neumann and Joshua Homme, American Valhalla tells the story of an unlikely musical collaboration between two mavericks of American rock: Joshua Homme, frontman of Queens of the Stone Age and Iggy Pop, the Godfather of Punk. The film, co-directed by Homme, follows the recording of Iggy's final album 'Post Pop Depression' in the California desert, wi...Read all
Gimme Danger
( 2016 )
An in-depth look at legendary punk band The Stooges.
The Velvet Underground and Nico
( 1966 )
"A Symphony of Sound" - depicts a rehearsal of The Velvet Underground and Nico at the Factory, 231 East 47th St., (loft on 4th floor), New York City. It is essentially a one long loose improvisation including some private conversations and a brief visit from the NYPD.
( 2013 )
A look at the New York City punk-rock scene and the venerable nightclub, CBGB.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains
( 1982 )
The media and disaffected teens mistake the acerbic rants of an obnoxious teenage punk rocker as a rallying cry for the women of America, launching her and her talentless group to national stardom.
Suzi Q
( 2020 )
SUZI Q is the definitive, unexpurgated story of American rock singer-songwriter -bass player- author- actor Suzi Quatro, who helped redefine the role of women in rock 'n' roll when she broke out into the mainstream 1973; has sold more than 50 million records worldwide; is still on the road and recording 55 years after she first started playing professionally. The film includes testimony from a host of rock luminaries, including Alice Cooper, Joan Jett, Deborah Harry, Cherie Currie, KT Tunstall, Tina Weymouth and Suzi's musical family; and follows Quatro as she returns to her hometown, Detroit.
Sid and Nancy
( 1986 )
The relationship between Sid Vicious, bassist for British punk group Sex Pistols, and his girlfriend Nancy Spungen is portrayed.
The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle
( 1981 )
A rather incoherent post-breakup Sex Pistols "documentary", told from the point of view of Pistols manager Malcolm McLaren, whose (arguable) position is that the Sex Pistols in particular and punk rock in general were an elaborate scam perpetrated by him in order to make "a million pounds." Silly and hard to follow at times, but worth seeing for some excellent Pistols concert footage, some wickedly amusing animated sequences, and Sid Vicious' eerily prophetic performance of "My Way."
Rock 'n' Roll High School
( 1990 )
A group of rock-music-loving students, with the help of the Ramones, take over their school to combat its newly installed oppressive administration.
Detroit Rock City
( 1999 )
In 1978, four rebellious teenagers try to scam their way into a KISS concert.
Kissology: The Ultimate Kiss Collection
( 2006 )
This multi-CD set takes fans on a journey through the first 4 years of KISS's rise to fame,as one one the 1970s wildly popular rock and roll groups. Via vintage clips dating back to 1973,fans will see rare music videos,live TV appearances and full length concerts and other clips.
augusts1 : Ok. Just reporting what I saw on IMDB which now says in theaters. So probably description ...