Playlists > From Another Planet

From Another Planet


Creator: Terminator
Posted: 3 years ago

23 favorites


Movie: The War of the Worlds ( 1953 )
A small town in California is attacked by Martians, beginning a worldwide invasion.
Movie: Abbott and Costello Go to Mars ( 1953 )
Two workmen accidentally launch a space rocket intended for Mars, and find mistakenly landing in New Orleans just the beginning of their misadventures.
Movie: Invaders from Mars ( 1953 )
A young boy learns that space aliens are taking over the minds of earthlings.
Movie: It Came from Outer Space ( 1953 )
A spaceship from another world crashes in the Arizona desert and only an amateur stargazer and a schoolteacher suspect alien influence when the local townsfolk begin to act strangely.
Movie: The Rocket Man ( 1954 )
Wacky complications ensue when a little boy comes into possession of a ray gun that compels anyone caught in its beam to tell the truth. He uses it to prevent his orphanage from being shut down by creditors and to help a cute couple fall in love.
Movie: Devil Girl from Mars ( 1955 )
An uptight, leather-clad female alien, armed with a ray gun and accompanied by a menacing robot, comes to Earth to collect Earth's men as breeding stock.
Movie: King of the Coral Sea ( 1955 )
Ted King, aided by Jack Janiero, is in charge of a company owned by Peter Merriman, reputed playboy, which he inherited from his father. Merriman decides to have a look at the company which is getting shells and pearls from the ocean's bottom. King discovers a body out in the ocean and brings it in, which sets off a police investigation into the possible smuggling of undesirable aliens into the area and they ask for King's help. Merriman arrives and falls instantly for King's daughter, "Rusty." He also shows them that the use of modern equipment can streamline the operation as well as save lives, which he does for King when he is trapped under the sea. When the smugglers learn King is on their trail, they take "Rusty" hostage, but King, Jack and Merriman, with the use of Merriman's aqua-lungs, follow and rescue her and capture the crooks and killers before the police arrive.
Movie: Immediate Disaster ( 1954 )
Tonight, first contact will be made! A beautifully-crafted tale of a superior being from Venus who has the power of life and death at his touch. Academy Award-winning actress Patricia Neal's glowing and sensitive performance as a woman caught up in the biggest event in history is complemented by Helmut Dantine's powerful, moving portrayal as the Stranger. Suggested by events in the sci-fi classic "The Day the Earth Stood Still," this film is a touching, humanizing and haunting story of "first contact" with a peaceful and advanced intelligence from another planet coming to Earth with an ultimatum and out-of-this-world powers to back it up.
Movie: Target Earth ( 1954 )
Giant robots from Venus invade Chicago. Stranded in the deserted city are strangers Frank and Nora.
Movie: This Island Earth ( 1955 )
Aliens come to Earth seeking scientists to help them in their war.
Movie: The Beast with a Million Eyes ( 1955 )
A dysfunctional family operating an isolated date farm in the California desert is threatened by the arrival of an extra-terrestrial.
Movie: The Quatermass Xperiment ( 1955 )
Professor Bernard Quatermass' manned rocket ship returns to Earth, but two of the astronauts are missing and the survivor seems ill and unable to communicate.
Movie: Supersonic Saucer ( 1956 )
A group of schoolchildren come upon an alien from Venus, and help him against a gang of criminals who are trying to kidnap him.
Movie: Unidentified Flying Objects: The True Story of Flying Saucers ( 1956 )
Interviews and documentary footage combine with the fictional story of an air-force pilot who encounters aliens.
Movie: It Conquered the World ( 1956 )
A well meaning scientist guides an alien monster to Earth from Venus, so that he can rid mankind of feelings and emotions - but only death and sorrow results.
Movie: Earth vs. the Flying Saucers ( 1956 )
Extraterrestrials traveling in high-tech flying saucers contact a scientist as part of a plan to enslave the inhabitants of Earth.
Movie: Fire Maidens of Outer Space ( 1956 )
A team of astronauts lands on a moon of Jupiter to find it populated with beautiful young women looking for mates. An old man explains to the explorers the group's story, as well as the moon's dangers.
Movie: Jungle Hell ( 1956 )
A tribe in the Indian jungle is threatened by flying saucers, mysterious rays, and radioactive rocks.
Movie: Not of This Earth ( 1957 )
An alien agent from the distant planet Davana is sent to Earth via a high-tech matter transporter. There, he terrorizes Southern California in an attempt to acquire blood for his dying race, the result of a devastating nuclear war.
Movie: Plan 9 from Outer Space ( 1959 )
Evil aliens attack Earth and set their terrible "Plan 9" in action. As the aliens resurrect the dead of the Earth to destroy the living, our lives are in danger.
Movie: Invasion of the Saucer Men ( 1957 )
Aliens equipped with venomous claws invade a small town but the town's teenage population is mobilized to fight the menace.
Movie: 20 Million Miles to Earth ( 1957 )
The first U.S. spaceship to Venus crash-lands off the coast of Sicily on its return trip. A dangerous, lizard-like creature comes with it and quickly grows gigantic.
Movie: The 27th Day ( 1957 )
Aliens take five people, give them small capsules which can kill mankind without additional damage, with the understanding they will colonize Earth only if they use the weapons.
Movie: The Brain from Planet Arous ( 1957 )
An evil alien brain from the planet Arous hijacks the body of an Earth scientist in order to control the Earth.
Movie: The Monolith Monsters ( 1957 )
Rocks from a meteor which grow when in contact with water threaten a sleepy Southwestern desert community.
Movie: The Astounding She-Monster ( 1957 )
A gang of crooks has kidnapped a rich heiress come up against a beautiful, but lethal alien who has crash-landed her spaceship on Earth.
Movie: Attack of the 50 Foot Woman ( 1958 )
Nancy Archer is a rich socialite who is unhappily married to husband Harry, who left her once but came back to her when he needed money. It hasn't stopped him from continuing his affair with Honey Parker, and Nancy knows it. After a confrontation at a local bar, Nancy takes off in her car and has an encounter with a large sphere on the road. There have been rumors of UFOs in the area, but no one will believe her. After a second encounter, Nancy grows to an amazing size; more than enough to get her revenge.
Movie: War of the Satellites ( 1958 )
An "unknown force" declares war against planet Earth when the United Nations disobeys warnings to cease and desist in its attempts at assembling the first satellite in the atmosphere.
Movie: The Space Children ( 1959 )
An alien intelligence aborts the launching of a rocket with the help of a bunch of children.
Movie: It! The Terror from Beyond Space ( 1958 )
The first manned expedition to Mars is invaded by an unknown life form, which stows away on the rescue ship.
Movie: Night of the Blood Beast ( 1961 )
An astronaut is killed on reentry to Earth, but his body is seeded with rapidly gestating aliens.
Movie: The Blob ( 1958 )
An alien lifeform consumes everything in its path as it grows and grows.
Movie: The Brain Eaters ( 1958 )
The inhabitants of a small Illinois town begin disappearing after a strange cone is found sticking out of the ground nearby.
Movie: The Crawling Eye ( 1958 )
A series of decapitations on a Swiss mountainside appear to be connected to a mysterious radioactive cloud.
Movie: I Married a Monster from Outer Space ( 1959 )
Aliens arrive on Earth to possess the bodies of humans. One of their first victims is a young man, whose new wife soon realizes something is wrong with him.
Movie: Missile to the Moon ( 1960 )
Escaped convicts Gary and Lon are caught hiding in a rocket by scientist Dirk Green, who forces them to pilot the ship to the moon. Dirk, who's secretly a moon being, wants to return to his home satellite. Dirk's partner Steve Dayton and his fiancé June stowaway on the ship by accident. Will they all make it back safely?
Movie: The Cosmic Man ( 1959 )
A spherical UFO proves to contain one alien visitor. How to deal with him? Investigators disagree...
Movie: First Man Into Space ( 1959 )
The first pilot to leave Earth's atmosphere lands, then vanishes; but something with a craving for blood prowls the countryside...
Movie: Invisible Invaders ( 1959 )
Invisible aliens from the Moon invade the Earth by occupying the bodies of recently deceased humans but a scientist, his daughter and an army Major, try to fight them.
Movie: Terror in the Midnight Sun ( 1959 )
Aliens release a furry critter in the wilds of Lapland where it takes a woman captive and threatens a group of scientists.
Movie: The Sky Calls ( 1959 )
Two countries race to have the first successful landing on Mars.
Movie: The Angry Red Planet ( 1959 )
One of only two survivors from a Martian expedition is so traumatized she doesn't remember the circumstances of the trip.
Movie: The Atomic Submarine ( 1959 )
Ships mysteriously disappear on route across the Arctic Sea, and a specially-equipped submarine is sent to investigate.
Movie: 12 to the Moon ( 1960 )
An international team embarks on an expedition to the moon in an uncommonly spacious rocketship. There they encounter a faceless alien intelligence who conclude that the human race is too immature and dangerous and must be destroyed.
Movie: Conquistador de la luna ( 1960 )
A couple travels by accident to the Moon and have to deal with aliens lurking for the earth's destruction.
Movie: The Cape Canaveral Monsters ( 1960 )
When a couple are killed in an auto accident their bodies are immediately inhabited by extraterrestrial beings. Taking refuge in an underground cave, the aliens attempt to sabotage the U. S. space program.
Movie: Planeta bur ( 1962 )
Cosmonauts land on the planet Venus. However, they find themselves in danger from the voracious monsters they find on it.
Movie: Invasion of the Star Creatures ( 1962 )
A pair of comical soldiers (Robert Ball and Frankie Ray) investigate a mysterious crater in an atomic detonation area and discover several beautiful alien vixens (Dolores Reed and Gloria Victor) who plan to conquer the world using an army of vegetable monsters.
Movie: The Day Mars Invaded Earth ( 1962 )
The Martians are actually protecting themselves from US!!. - since the Earth probe landed on their planet they are taking measures to ensure their security by replacing our scientists with doppelgangers who report nothing. A very insightful film that was under-rated and ahead of it's time, with a 1963 vision of a primitive mars rover.
Movie: The Crawling Hand ( 1966 )
The hand of a dead astronaut comes crawling back from the grave to strangle the living
Movie: Los astronautas ( 1964 )
Movie: Robinson Crusoe on Mars ( 1964 )
Stranded on Mars with only a monkey as a companion, an astronaut must figure out how to find oxygen, water, and food on the lifeless planet.
Movie: The Earth Dies Screaming ( 1964 )
In Britain, a group of survivors fights off a deadly alien invasion that uses robots and a poisonous gas to take over the Earth.
Movie: Pajama Party ( 1964 )
Sent to Earth to prepare for an invasion, a Martian scout lands amidst a swim party and tries to convince everyone that he really is who he says.
Movie: Kiss Me Quick! ( 1964 )
Sterilox, asexual ambassador from a distant planet, comes down to earth in search of feminine breeding stock. A mad scientist treats the alien to dancing sex robots.
Movie: The Creeping Terror ( 1964 )
A newlywed sheriff tries to stop a shambling monster that has emerged from a spaceship to eat the citizens of an American town.
Movie: The Wizard of Mars ( 1965 )
In 1975, four astronauts, Dorothy, Doc, Charlie, and Steve, crash land on Mars when taking readings, with only four days of supplies. They must try to survive on the surface, which is barren except for some canals with huge maggots with fins. After embarking through a golden igneous cavern, braving a storm and finding an unmanned Earth vessel, they discover a golden road which leads them to the unchanging ruins of what was once a beautiful Martian city. The Martians are modeled on the Flatheads of Oz, and their collective consciousness, the "Wizard," forbids them to leave until they perform a very small task.
Movie: The Human Duplicators ( 1965 )
An alien is dispatched from a faraway galaxy to take over the Earth by "duplicating" humans and creating a race of zombies resembling animated pottery in this low-budget sci-fi film. Enjoy the opening and closing shots of the alien spacecraft resembling a Christmas tree bauble dancing in space, the faces of the "duplicated" humans shattering like a cheap vase when thr...Read all
Movie: Dr. Who and the Daleks ( 1965 )
An eccentric inventor and his companions travel in his TARDIS to the Planet Skaro and battle the evil menace of the Daleks.
Movie: Monster a Go-Go ( 1965 )
A space capsule crash-lands on Earth, and the astronaut aboard disappears. Is there a connection between the missing man and the monster roaming the area?
Movie: Planet of the Vampires ( 1965 )
After landing on a mysterious planet, a team of astronauts begin to turn on each other, swayed by the uncertain influence of the planet and its strange inhabitants.
Movie: Frankenstein Meets the Spacemonster ( 1965 )
A Martian princess and a doctor replace the women on Mars, destroyed by atomic war, by raiding Puerto Rico while a shot down android terrorizes all.
Movie: Invasion ( 1966 )
An alien spaceship crashes near a rural hospital. When the alien is taken to the hospital, a mysterious force field suddenly appears around it.
Movie: Blood Beast from Outer Space ( 1965 )
The inhabitants of Ganymede need to find mates from another world or they will become extinct. They soon discover a suitable breeding stock amongst the females of planet Earth.
Movie: Evil Brain from Outer Space ( 1966 )
A monstrous evil brain from outer space leads his minions on a crusade to conquer the universe, and unleashes hideous monsters on Earth that spread deadly diseases. Superhero Starman must rescue Earth from the menace of the evil brain while battling armies of monsters the brain sends against him.
Movie: Queen of Blood ( 1966 )
The year is 1990. An alien species makes contact with Earth through radio transmissions. After astronauts from earth venture to the planet, they find one - a female, who's mute. As they transport her back to earth, one by one, the male crew members die. It's too late when they realise she needs their blood to survive.
Movie: Destination Inner Space ( 1968 )
A group of scientists working in a deep-sea research station discovers a strange craft of extraterrestrial origin.
Movie: The War of the Planets ( 1968 )
In the 21st century, aliens invade the solar system.
Movie: Gigantes planetarios ( 1966 )
Movie: Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. ( 1966 )
The Daleks' fiendish plot in 2150 against Earth and its people is foiled when Dr. Who and friends arrive from the 20th century and figure it out.
Movie: Star Pilot ( 1966 )
Aliens from the constellation Hydra crash-land on the island of Sardinia. A prominent scientist, his daughter, several young technicians, and a pair of Oriental spies are taken hostage by the beings so they can use them to repair their spaceship's broken engine. With that done, they take off towards their home planet, taking the earthlings with them. However, the humans attempt to mutiny against their captors, inadvertently sending their tiny spaceship hurtling into the infinite beyond...
Movie: Peril from the Planet Mongo ( 1966 )
Flash, Dale and Zarkov rocket from Earth to Mongo at the request of Prince Barin of Arboria, for their enemy Ming the Merciless is again active in pursuing conquest of the universe. Ming has developed inferno-producing zontranillium projectiles which he first plans to use to conquer Arboria. After spiriting his daughter Aura, now Barin's wife, to his castle from Arboria with the aid of the traitorous Lady Sonja, Ming prepares to launch his attack while Barin's scientist Keedish hurries to develop an agent that will extinguish zontranillium. But after a seeming success in thwarting Ming, Flash finds Dale too abducted to Ming's palace through devilish means...
Movie: Purple Death from Outer Space ( 1966 )
Flash Gordon, Dale Arden and Dr. Zarkov return to the planet Mongo for an antidote to the Purple Death, which wreaking destruction on Earth. However, Ming the Merciless has other plans for them.
Movie: Deadly Ray from Mars ( 1966 )
An edited version of the 1938 Universal serial "Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars" that was released to TV in a syndication package in 1966.
Movie: D-Day on Mars ( 1966 )
An invader from Mars, known as The Purple Monster, plots a secret take -over of the Earth in this feature-length version of the serial 'Purple Monster Strikes (1945)'.
Movie: Slaves of the Invisible Monster ( 1966 )
An edited version of the 1950 Republc serial "The Invisible Monster."
Movie: Wahan Ke Log ( 1967 )
After the killing of Karolbagh-based Dinanath, Chief Sheikh of the Central Intelligence Service is asked to investigate the possible involvement of Martians. He assigns this case to Agent Rakesh, who lives with his mother and is to marry Anita from overseas. He travels to Bombay along with a private detective, Neelkanth, from Blue Bird Detective Agency. Once there Rakesh will be ensnared in a web of lies and deceit, stalked by a mysterious woman, while Anita, who is not who she claims to be, and her father, Dwarka Prasad, not only get abducted by aliens but are transported to Mars via a spaceship. It is here Anita will be told that Rakesh has been killed in an explosion abroad a plane, while her abductor, Anil Chakravarti, a gangster, who has kidnapped scientists from all over the world, colludes with the Martians to invade Earth.
Movie: They Came from Beyond Space ( 1967 )
Astronomers investigate a mysterious meteorite shower in a rural English farm field. The rocks which fell, landed in a V-formation. Dr. Richard Arden, preeminent in the field of extraterrestrial study, is not permitted to accompany his colleagues, including his girlfriend Lee Mason, because he is still recovering from the effects of a recent motor accident. The scientists are summarily taken over by some alien force, and others in the area are dying from a mysterious "crimson plague," which covers their bodies with drops of blood. Temple seems the only person immune to both maladies, so if he can discover the reason for this immunity, he may yet foil the alien plan to take earthlings back to the moon for their own sinister purposes.
Movie: Mission Stardust ( 1967 )
A team of astronauts is sent to the moon to rescue an alien who is seeking help to save her dying race. They are attacked by a force of bandit robots and discover that enemy spies are out to kill the alien.
Movie: Attack of the Eye Creatures ( 1965 )
Eye Creatures land on earth. The U.S. Air Force spies on some teens making out in the woods, then tries to prevent word of the Eye Creatures landing from leaking out. A couple of teens figure everything out and prevent the Eye Creatures from taking over by shining their headlights on them...
Movie: Journey to the Center of Time ( 1967 )
Hard-nosed new boss Stanton takes over a scientific research company upon the death of his benevolent father.
Movie: 2001: A Space Odyssey ( 1970 )
After uncovering a mysterious artifact buried beneath the Lunar surface, a spacecraft is sent to Jupiter to find its origins - a spacecraft manned by two men and the supercomputer H.A.L. 9000.
Movie: The Green Slime ( 1968 )
After destroying a giant asteroid heading towards Earth, a group of scientists unknowingly bring back a strange green substance that soon mutates into a monster.
Movie: Mission Mars ( 1968 )
Three American astronauts who land on Mars discover the body of a frozen Russian cosmonaut and a mysterious talking orb.
Movie: Mars Needs Women ( 1967 )
Dop leads his fellow Martians to Earth on an interplanetary quest for females. Dop proves that Martians have impeccable taste when one of his first conquests turns out to be sexy scientist Dr. Marjorie Bolen.
Movie: Barbarella ( 1968 )
Barbarella, an astronaut from the 41st century, sets out to find and stop the evil scientist Durand Durand, whose Positronic Ray threatens to bring evil back into the galaxy.
Movie: The Bamboo Saucer ( 1968 )
A flying saucer hidden in a Red Chinese peasant village is sought by teams from the United States and U.S.S.R. On finding it, they band together to explore the saucer and take a trip into space.
Movie: Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women ( 1968 )
Astronauts landing on Venus encounter dangerous creatures and almost meet some sexy Venusian women who like to sun-bathe in hip-hugging skin-tight pants and seashell brassieres.
Movie: The Body Stealers ( 1969 )
In Britain, bodies of NATO paratroopers are being snatched during routine jumps by a mysterious red-beam of alien origin.
Movie: The Love Factor ( 1973 )
A race of topless, large-breasted women from the planet Angvia, in another dimension, come to earth to kidnap women to repopulate their planet.
Movie: Horror of the Blood Monsters ( 1970 )
In the near future with a intergalactic vampire plague threatening earth, an expedition is sent to a distant galaxy in hopes of discovering the plague's source. Landing on a mysterious planet they discover that Spectrum radiation has turned the atmosphere into a one-color tint. Exploring further, the group discovers living dinosaurs, a race of vampire cavemen, and other strange creatures.
Movie: The Love War ( 1970 )
Aliens from two planets at war come to Earth, assume human form and continue their battle.
Movie: Chariots of the Gods ( 1970 )
Documentary based on the book by Erich Von Daniken concerning the ancient mysteries of the world, such as the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico, ancient cave drawings, the monuments of Easter Island, etc. and the fact that these things and modern civilization could have been influenced by extra-terrestrial visitations hundreds(or perhaps thousands) of years ago.
Movie: Toomorrow ( 1970 )
Dying aliens kidnap the pop group, Toomorrow, whose social musical instrument's "vibrations" are needed for their race to survive.
Movie: Night Slaves ( 1970 )
A man and his wife find themselves stranded in a small western town. He discovers that a strange force has turned the residents into zombies, and runs into a beautiful woman who he believes is the key to the mystery.
Movie: The Andromeda Strain ( 1971 )
A group of scientists investigate a deadly new alien virus before it can spread.