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Jerry takes his girl out “flivvering” and they have a “blow up,” but nobody is hurt. Jerry attempts to repair the damage, but the girl is “peeved” over the delay. A prize fighter, “Big Noise Bill, The Human Dreadnaught,” taking his morning’s exercise, arrives on the scene trotting ahead of his racing car and offers to take her home. Jerry wants to interfere, but has neither the nerve nor size to get away with it. He gives up his repair work and proceeds to tow the car home by “man power,” his own. He might have succeeded, if a constable had not attempted to arrest him for blocking traffic. Believing a fair exchange is no robbery, Jerry makes his escape on the constable’s wheel. In the meantime, Big Noise Bill has arrived at the girl’s home and made himself obnoxious. Jerry arrives and suffers several indignities at his hands. The father, who had not favored Jerry’s suit, now tells him although he does not approve of fighting he will consent to the marriage, if Jerry will give the big bully a beating. As Big Noise is meeting all comers nightly, Jerry has the opportunity provided for him. He therefore provides himself with a rubber bulb loaded with ammonia. A whirlwind match ensues, in which Jerry injects the ammonia into his opponent’s nostrils and lands several apparently knock out blows. Not satisfied he also puts the referee on the mat and in his efforts to escape, administers the same dose to a policeman. Jerry then has a narrow escape from the hands of his pursuers by leaping from a telephone pole into the tonneau of his sweetheart’s automobile.

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Ratings: IMDB: No rating yet
Released: July 21, 1917
Genres: Comedy Short
Countries: United States
Companies: Cub Comedies
Cast: George Ovey George George Claire Alexander
Crew: Milton J. Fahrney

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