BUTS is a comedy variety show created by Emma Ramos and Irene Lucio, in the style of Key and Peele with the edginess and style of Broad City. Every episode presents a new world that appears realistic but quickly turns zany and wild. With crazy comedic endings, the series seeks to subvert preconceived notions about our stereotypes. The series is anchored in millennial …Read all |
Ratings: | IMDB: No rating yet | |
Released: | July 29, 2014 | |
Genres: | Comedy Short | |
Countries: | United States | |
Cast: | Bernardo Cubria Laura Elizabeth Delhauer Marta Kuersten | |
Crew: | Bernardo Cubria Emma Ramos Daniel Jaffe Irene Sofia Lucio Brendan Colthurst | |
Alien : 2 part Christmas special