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Zu is newly sober and finding her way in the world when she receives news that she is to become the sole guardian of her half-sister named Music, a young girl on the autism spectrum. The film explores two of Sia’s favorite themes — finding your voice and what it means to create family.

  • Currently 2.666666666666667/5
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Ratings: IMDB: 3.2/10
Released: February 12, 2021
Runtime: 107 min
Genres: Drama Musical
Countries: United States
Companies: Atlantic Films Landay Entertainment Crush Pictures Pineapple Lasagne Productions HanWay Films Vertical Entertainment
Cast: Kate Hudson Leslie Odom Jr. Maddie Ziegler
Crew: Sia Dallas Clayton

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hufflepuffpuffpass250 4 points 3 years ago*. 1/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

As an Autistic Adult, this movie is extremely offensive in so. many. ways.

TLDR; overstimulating, traumatizing, confusing, offensive and so many other things. Please don’t even bother watching this. It is a dangerous and inaccurate representation of what a high support needs autistic person is like.

Not only did the Sia (the creator) insult and ignore actually autistics speaking out about this movie, she worked alongside Autism Speaks. This “charity” actively silences us and works to “cure” us, which essentially is EUGENICS. #nothingaboutuswithoutus

Now, for the movie review itself from an Actually Autistic adult. I do not have the energy to type it all into sentences, so here goes.

  • extremely overstimulating flashing lights from start to finish
  • prone restraint scenes; THIS HAS KILLED AUTISTICS
  • Maddy’s depiction of a high support needs Autistic is CRINGE
  • The storyline is what? Plotholes filled with random musical numbers, that are supposed to represent how Music views to world. Even though many of them happened when she wasn’t around.
  • The word Autistic, or Autism is not used - only “magical” and “special”
  • One person asks for her consent in the whole movie, and they think it’s funny
  • There is a moment at the end where they celebrate her actually speaking, even though mouth words are not the only way to communicate.
  • There are some pretty racist overtones, from the “magical black guy with exotic africa feel”, not to mention an unspecified Asian language used to provoke fear into the audience. It was not subtitled or acknowledged.
  • No one ever tells Music what is happening, it is written into the storyline that she just knows whats going on..even though it takes her like a month to process it.
    -Music is also used to move along Zu’s storyline, it shows that this neurotypical character can grow into this amazing human because they love someone who is autistic.
OriginalContent 1 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

I really like the music in the movie but the story seems like just a vehicle to get to the next music video. Overall not a bad movie.

SweetPea -1 points 4 years ago. 1/5 stars.

Not good.