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James Dickson, miner, worked with his pals at placer mining. He fell in love with Jessie Berger, but Jessie never cared for Jim. Her lack of affection was more than replaced, however, by the worship of Margie Brannon, who loved Jim with all her heart. Margie had often pleaded with Jessie not to encourage Jim, but Jessie had promised faithfully. One day Bob Wentworth joined the camp, and it was love at first sight between him and Jessie, much to Margie’s delight. Bob seized Jessie at the stream one day, and had carried her over before them all, much to the disgust of Jim and the amusement of the others. Charlie Berger, Jessie’s brother, a close pal of Jim’s, did not like the newcomer and told his father so. Old man Berger, therefore, kept a close eye on his daughter, and several times, when catching her in Bob’s company, threatened Bob, and securely locked up his daughter. Margie, meantime, watched developments and lost no opportunity to throw the couple together. Berger and his son decided that they must make way with Bob; so, in company with Jim and several rough characters, they hunted for him through the hills. Jessie, hearing through Margie of her lover’s peril, hurried to him, and together they fled. A battle followed when the two factions met in the mountain passes. Margie, with gun in hand, watched the combat carefully, and when one husky miner drew deliberate aim at Bob, she shot him dead in his tracks. Rushing around the face of a giant boulder, Bob and Jessie came face to face with Jim. He had the drop on Bob, and with an evil laugh, slowly raised his revolver, taking aim at Bob’s heart. Margie saw him, a horrible fear seized her, and, mastering her emotion, she pointed her gun at Jim and fired the fatal shot, which robbed her of all future happiness, but gave a corresponding joy to her two friends.

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Ratings: IMDB: 0.0/10
Released: July 25, 1912
Genres: Short Western
Cast: J. Warren Kerrigan Pauline Bush
Crew: Allan Dwan

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