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Synergy is a laugh a minute comedy drama which follows the relationship between a spiritually chilled and in-tune writer (Davie Daniels) and his tightly wound Geordie manager (Jimmy Johnstone.) After a moment of serendipity brought about by his runaway pug dog Oscar, Jimmy is face to face with the writer he has been tracking for several months - Davie Daniels. Seating himself uninvited beside his soon-to-be client Jimmy’s hard to understand accent hits Davie like an Arctic wind; but there is something about ‘The Tie’ that has an unsettling yet appealing vibe which has piqued his curiosity. Following a brief conversation it emerges both men have a common dislike for Davie’s contemporary and Jimmy’s former charge, one Andrew Buxton. A talented and manipulative writer who’s moral compass does not point in the same direction as the newly acquainted Davie & Jimmy. Having monitored Davie’s achievements Jimmy is not going to let him go now and after a brief chase Davie is in the bag - or is he? There are ongoing demands he makes of Jimmy that see much humor and elements of chaos and confusion rain down throughout the series through their absurdity. The smooth introduction of further characters along the way sees an office manager and assistant to Jimmy (Allie James) seamlessly join the team yet her controlling and oft dictatorial ways leave the boys running for cover. With the stunningly beautiful Mercedes entering the fray as Davie’s girlfriend there is enough banter between the four main cast members, and others, to ensure ongoing sub-plots and laugh points come thick and fast. As Season One unravels the end goal is the Berlin Film Festival with global dominance sought thereafter. Buxton will also be in attendance with ongoing reference to him before his character is finally revealed. Owing to his sneaky nature there is also a spy in the Daniels camp but who could it be? As Davie and Jimmy’s relationship grows it is clear they have a winning formula but there is still a small element of mistrust from Davie as he does not gel with those from the corporate world having been hurt and burnt several times previous. With a winning team in place that overcome several and many hurdles the end goal of Berlin will be reached - even if they have to limp over the line they will conquer all before them. Opposites attract and it has never been truer with the characters that form Season One.

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Ratings: IMDB: 0.0/10
Released: July 1, 2014
Genres: Comedy
Cast: Daniel Goodwin Dominique Maber Lee Heron Tiffany Fon-Lowe
Crew: Daniel Goodwin Lee Heron

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