A Trilogy-Horror. In “Yaya” a young couple hires a mysterious nanny for their baby. In “Ate” a young woman discovers that her sister has been dead and been made alive again. In “Nanay” a student unwittingly brings home from a beach field trip the egg of a horrible alien monster. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 6.9/10 | |
Released: | December 25, 1991 | |
Genres: | Comedy Horror | |
Companies: | Good Harvest Unlimited | |
Cast: | Rosemarie Gil Kris Aquino Ogie Alcasid Mae-ann Adonis | |
Crew: | Peque Gallaga Dwight Gaston Don Escudero Lore Reyes Jerry Lopez Sineneng | |
Alsoavetswife : A nice simple western. I was impressed with the little girl, learning kiowa! Impressive. ...