An old and weary man, ashtray full of cigarettes, back seat full of garbage, smoking away his problems, is on his way to nowhere. On the difficult way through the woods suddenly he stops. A young boy is sitting on a tree. Wanting to know more, he tries to follow him but soon loses track. After further explorations he discovers a hovel. Meanwhile the boy gets in trouble when he loses his ball to some sadistic soldiers. This isn’t a peaceful time. Soon the old man will find out that his own problems are nothing compared to what the boy must go through. |
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Ratings: | IMDB: 0.0/10 | |
Released: | January 1, 2003 | |
Runtime: | 23 min | |
Genres: | Drama Mystery Short War | |
Cast: | Dirk van der Pol Irakli Apakidze Alexander Apakidze Dasha Lationova | |
Crew: | Arch Khetagouri Laura van Dijk | |
BROMBERG : COOL !!!!! 1950 SUPERMAN !!!!! PLEASE post Part 2 ! Thanks.