In this unpredictable and shocking coming-of-age story, three high-school girls on a weekend getaway impulsively take a menacing trespasser captive when he shows up at their remote mountain cabin. Fueled by desperation, alcohol and a childhood story about a mountain murder, Ruth, Deb and Kate endure a long, terrifying night with their captive before it all erupts in a dramatic and deadly end. Shot on location in the spectacular Colorado Rocky Mountains, Wilderness Survival for Girls uses edge-of-your-seat suspense to explore the conflicting inner lives of teenage girls as the boundaries of their friendship, their secret desires and their newfound taste for cruelty are tested. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 5.5/10 | |
Released: | June 22, 2004 | |
Runtime: | 78 min | |
Genres: | Drama Thriller Horror | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | Last Call Films | |
Cast: | James Morrison Jeanette Brox Megan Henning Ali Humiston | |
Crew: | Kim Roberts Eli B. Despres | |
Rix : Contains spoilers. Click to show. This is not a Doc. It's a cute animated family type film although I'd say over 10 yrs old ...