“Johnny Come Lately” tells the story of Paul Washington, a former serial killer profiler (one of the best in the business), who is called upon by Aberdeen City authorities and the FBI to help track down a killer who eats children and pisses on the full moon. When a series of gruesome murders occurs in the town of Aberdeen, Detectives Jack Kelton and Michael Depasquale turn to Paul Washington to unravel this mystery. Still grieving over the death of his newlywed wife Stephanie of 2 years, the tormented recluse agrees to help. As he opens the case files, he delves deeper and deeper into the mind of the killer. As the killings become more horrifying, Washington’s mind opens lines of communication with the dead. What he sees and hears will frighten the most cynical fan of the horror genre. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 3.4/10 | |
Released: | January 1, 2004 | |
Genres: | Crime Horror Mystery | |
Companies: | Metropolis Pictures Entertainment Inc. | |
Cast: | Johnny Alonso Irv Becker Francis Xavier Genevieve Grant | |
Crew: | Francis Xavier | |
Euringer : I've heard supposedly in the 70s and 80s they really spritzed up actors in action and erot...