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Jide loses his part-time retail job due to his desire to attend an interview related to his field of study. This mounts lots of pressure on him from his mother and girlfriend who want more financial support from him. Specifically his mother wants more support with the bills whilst Paris (Jide’s girlfriend) wants to begin a new chapter of their life i.e getting a new flat together. Ashley (Jide’s best friend) is heavily involved with fraudulent activities under Uncle K. These activities allow Ashley to live a lavish lifestyle that Jide also desires. This, along with a conversation with Uncle K, tempts Jide into this lifestyle but Ashley warns him away from it. When the pressure (caused by the break up with his girlfriend, the loss of his job and his mum asking for money) gets on top of Jide, he makes his mind up and decides to get involved in this lifestyle. Jide finds himself in an unpleasant situation whilst involved in this lifestyle. He finds that one of the boys (little Darnell) he cons is the younger brother of an older on the estate. Little Darnell’s brother is dangerous and when he finds out that Darnell has been ripped off by Jide, he arranges for Jide to be kidnapped. Jide becomes hostage to Darnell’s crew and is told the only way to freedom is if he pays back what he owes. Eventually Ashley finds out and goes to rescue Jide. They run into an altercation as Ashley tries to scam his way out of paying the ransom. This results in a series of bad events that occur which affect Ashley. Following this life and death predicament, Jide is left deciding whether to pursue vengeance or whether to follow a career opportunity that finally comes into his life.

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Ratings: IMDB: 8.2/10
Released: November 7, 2013
Runtime: 43 min
Genres: Drama Crime Short
Cast: Deenie Davies Daniel Deacon Precious Alabi Missy Beckley
Crew: Josh Bridge Tope Phillips

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