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Because tiny Baxter is left by his sister, Early, and her girl friend, to care for sister’s best-loved doll, little Baxter rebels and displays a decidedly masculine streak of temper. He proceeds to vent his spite on the doll, poking its eyes out and then smashing its head. The new doll that takes the old one’s place proves so attractive that night to little Early, that when she is supposed to be safely tucked in bed she creeps into the library to see that her beautiful doll is asleep. Her advent frightens off a burglar intent on robbing the safe of a package of bonds and securities that Mr. Baxter had brought home with him for safekeeping. Early steals into the library in time to see the burglar leaving by the window, having been interrupted before he could complete the robbery. Early, fearing for the safety of her loved dolly with a strange man about the place, removes the package of bonds from the opened safe, substituting the box in which she has placed her dolly. The burglar returns and takes the wrong package, opens it, sees the doll, dashes it to the floor in anger and escapes by the window. When Baxter and his wife find the safe open, they are distracted, until Early, in a temper at the sight of her broken doll, dashed the second package to the floor spilling the bonds and securities. When Early tells of the man at the window, Baxter realizes how close an escape she has had. He phones the police, who capture the robber, and Early is rewarded by the roost beautiful doll she has ever possessed.

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Ratings: IMDB: 0.0/10
Released: June 4, 1913
Genres: Drama Comedy Short
Cast: Matty Roubert Baby Early Gorman
Crew: Harry C. Mathews

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