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While serving a five-year sentence for a violent crime, a 12-year-old boy sues his parents for neglect.

  • Currently 4.0625/5
(16 votes)
Ratings: IMDB: 8.4/10
Released: September 20, 2018
Runtime: 126 min
Genres: Drama
Countries: Lebanon France United States Cyprus Qatar United Kingdom
Companies: Boo Pictures Mooz Films Cedrus Invest Bank Clandestino Filmes DFI KNM Films Les Films des Tournelles Louverture Films Open City Films Sunnyland Film The Bridge Production Sony Pictures Classics Wild Bunch
Cast: Zain Al Rafeea Yordanos Shiferaw Boluwatife Treasure Bankole
Crew: Nadine Labaki Jihad Hojeily Michelle Keserwany

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  • Currently 3.4236559139784943/5
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Version 2 821.8 MB dood.watch 26 views Report Link
  • Currently 3.4236559139784943/5
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EchotaChick 6 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

As I’m currently speechless but want to share this jewel of a movie, I’ll just say that I agree with every quote on the cover. From, “prepare to be blown away,” and “a stunning piece of cinema,” to “a kind of filmmaking miracle that boggles the mind.” And on down the line. I didn’t want this movie to end, and I rarely ever say that.

NoelCoyotebleu 4 points 3 years ago.

wow.. thank you I will put on watch list.

EchotaChick 2 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

You are so welcome, NC! Forgot to mention it’s foreign but subtitles are included. I find it gets easier as I go, of course I’d rather not read if I didn’t have to. This was so good, though, I’m just glad I took a chance on it. Enjoy! (Or, well, have Kleenex handy!)

NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 3 years ago.

I do much better with captions, as have suffered hearing loss after head injuries. I wish all shows/movies had them. Thanks for the emotional warning <3 Aloha

EchotaChick 2 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

ALOHA, NoelCoyotebleu! So funny, I had a handle similar to yours on a different site….Great minds! =) I do much better w/subs also. My R side hearing was injured by chronic infection. Now both are a bit lame, so if I want to know all names, settings, mini-plots, then subtitles are my jam too! And we are very grateful to uploaders taking the time to include subs. TY TY Ty!!

CollideDuhScope 0 points 11 months ago.

I prefer subtitles myself! When is the last time you said dang that was a good dubbed movie? Lol

enjoy77 3 points 3 years ago.

Based on your experience with this movie, I am intrigued. It’s also on my watch list. Will respond back to you once I’ve seen it. :-)

EchotaChick 2 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

That would be great! Hope you like it too. Warning: subtitles, but as I told NoelC above, it’s such a good movie it’s worth it. But if you’re sensitive, be ready to cry! Let us know what you think, enjoy77 (too:)!

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TX2Guns 4 points 3 years ago*. 4/5 stars.

Good movie but a Tough watch. Next time you start feeling like your life is so hard and unbearable, watch this movie and re-evaluate. I felt more anger toward the parents than anything. Sad Deal.

EchotaChick 2 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

TX2, I couldn’t agree more! It was so sad, but throughout whenever the kid figured out a solution, it was such a joy to see! So it’s heartbreaking but with little victories throughout and even a few funny moments. My family probably thought I’d lost my mind - giggling one minute then blubbering so much (at the inevitable).

Researcher 2 points 11 months ago. 4/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

Good Lord! After reading the comments, I hesitated. Should I really watch something that would obviously be so painful to watch? I went in anyway. Was it masochistic of me? Curiosity to see how bad it could get? Or hoping for a happy ending, somehow?
For those who jump in, eyes wide shut, hang in there. You won’t get disappointed!

Researcher 1 points 11 months ago. 4/5 stars.

PS. Found this: The name “Capernaum” has its origins in two Hebrew words, “Kefar” meaning village and “Nahum” denoting comfort. Hence, the name “Capernaum’ literally means the “Village of Comfort” Now I understand why so many overhead shots.

MsDuhMeanor 2 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Thanks EchotaChick. I cried my eyes out for about an hour of this hour and half long movie.

EchotaChick 2 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

You’re welcome MsDuhMeanor, but I’m sorry it made you cry so much! I had read something about the movie so was prepared. Still, I ugly cried for maybe 15 minutes during the climatic scenes and the conclusion. Oh man!