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On the day of the sacred festival, as was the ritual, Nathan (The Holy Elephant) chooses Shabri (a worthless drunk) as its new keeper. For the chosen one it was a matter of fortune and honor for the rest it was a matter of envy…….Nathan was the holy elephant of the village and the fortunes of its keeper were sure to change. This ‘honor’ (Nathan) for the poor Shabri, who finds it difficult to provide for his small family, is initially too much to take on. It is Shabri’s new found resolve and the holy elephant’s allure that enable him to not only face adversity but also defeat the evil powers of the envious village tantric (practitioner of black magic) and the conniving lady (a timber merchant from the neighboring village) who are both trying to steal the holy elephant, for its godly status, from the village. Nathan’s loss would have meant devastation for the village. The story of Shabri’s resolve to safeguard the village’s honor, changing fortunes, the envious eyes, the power of spells and connive……..above all a story of strength of faith and the impact of believing - The White Elephant.

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Ratings: IMDB: 4.8/10
Released: November 5, 2009
Runtime: 115 min
Genres: Mystery
Cast: Neena Gupta Tannishtha Chatterjee Prashant Narayanan Piyush Mishra
Crew: Ayeesha Menon Aijaz Khan

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