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The tongueless man comes into the lives of a young artist and his wife in a rather mysterious manner, but later proves a valuable help in straightening out the tangle of their lives. He becomes the devoted servitor of the artist and enters into their life as though he had ever been a part. The couple are dissatisfied with their lot, each not knowing why their love for the other has grown cold. She has not awakened to the full realization of her love for her husband, and he, man-like, allows the days and weeks and months to drift by without one demonstration of love. One day a supposed friend, mother artist, comes into their lives, and, realizing the situation, makes desperate love to the wife. He falls in his conquest in compromising the wife, but instead awakens in her the real love for her husband, but the observant husband sees nothing but that his wife has ceased to love him and loves another. At last, in desperation, the husband goes out with the intention of destroying his supposed rival, but the tongueless man stops him at the psychological moment and rescues him from a serious attempt at crime and untangles the situation by showing the husband that his wife has done nothing but indulged in a light flirtation, and proves that the wife really loves him. The supposed friend is frightened away by the tongueless man, and a happy reconciliation is affected.

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Ratings: IMDB: No rating yet
Released: November 19, 1912
Genres: Drama Short
Countries: United States
Companies: Gem Motion Picture Company
Cast: David Powell John G. Adolfi Violet Reed

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