A 2nd-year high school student named Shun Takahata lives an ordinary teenage life until one day he’s suddenly forced to participate in a series of children’s games such as “Daruma-san ga Koronda” with death as the penalty for losing. With no knowledge of who’s behind the games, he’s left with no other choice but to keep winning as his only means of protecting himself and his childhood friend, Ichika. Meanwhile, a troubled classmate named Takeru seems to actually be relishing the opportunity to get other students killed. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 6.4/10 | |
Released: | November 15, 2014 | |
Runtime: | 117 min | |
Genres: | Adventure Horror Sci-Fi | |
Countries: | Japan | |
Companies: | Toho Pictures, Inc. OLM Oriental Light and Magic (OLM) Toho Company Toho Pictures | |
Cast: | Ryûnosuke Kamiki Lily Franky Nijirô Murakami | |
Crew: | Takashi Miike Muneyuki Kaneshiro Akeji Fujimura Hiroyuki Yatsu | |
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Version 1 276.1 MB | mixdrop.ag | 207 views | Report Link | ||
Version 2 276.1 MB | dood.watch | 22 views | Report Link | ||
Version 3 | streamwish.to | 21 views | Report Link | ||
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peachesmom : ZZZZZZZZZZ.. WTF.