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Mike and Meyer had worked in perfect amity for many years. The little delicatessen store which began in a humble way, grew prosperous, and Mike and Meyer should have been happy, for their money began to accumulate. But when riches came in by the door, happiness went out of the window. Mike had a daughter; Meyer had a son. The parents were so proud of their offspring that jealousy broke out between them. And being jealous of each other they became, also, suspicious and each thought the other was trying to rob the business. So at night each slept on one side of the cash register. There came into the store by day as well as night, all kinds of people, over whom Mike and Meyer quarreled. Thus the once happy little store became the scene of unreasonable discord. So Mike and Meyer being unable to agree, agreed to differ, the result being that Mike and Meyer became hitter enemies and were put in prison as disturbers of the peace.

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Ratings: IMDB: 0.0/10
Released: May 31, 1915
Genres: Comedy Short
Cast: Lew Fields Joe Weber

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