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Robert Leslie is engaged to marry Alicia. She is walking in the woods one day, when she is accosted by a tramp. She is saved from unpleasantness by Dave Hatton, who chases the tramp away. Alicia, truly graceful, gives Dan a flower as an appreciation for his kindness. Walking, they meet Mr. Leslie, who on seeing Dave becomes jealous. Dave leaves and Alicia and Robert quarrel. She breaks the engagement. Still later the friendship of Dave and the girl ripens into love and they are married. Leslie who is a stock promoter induces Dave to invest his savings in some worthless stock. Dave received a letter from his father telling him that the mortgage on the farm at home is due and requesting Dave to send him $2,000, Dave goes to see Leslie about selling his stock and finds out that Leslie has decamped and that the stock is worthless. Dave, badly in need of money, decided to follow Leslie and being informed that he has gone to Colorado, Dave goes there. There he meets Leslie and demands his money, but is nearly choked to death for his pains. Desperate, Dave determines to kill him and in the night steals to his room, he is about to perpetrate a foul deed when the proprietor of the hotel comes up to his room with a telegram from his wife, who has wired that she is ill and lonesome at)out the cause of his absence. The thought comes to him that he was about to make the girl he loves the wife of a murderer and he decides to go home. Before leaving, gold ore is found in the mine in which he owns stock and Dave sells at a big profit. He returns home and starts life anew, happy in the thought that the Call from Home saved his soul.

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Ratings: IMDB: 0.0/10
Released: June 17, 1913
Genres: Drama Short
Cast: Pearl White Chester Barnett
Crew: Phillips Smalley

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