The story revolves around the lives of five teenage girls in Singapore, between 14 and 17 years of age from different family backgrounds. It tells of their experiences during this rebellious phase of their lives, when they seek to assert their independence from family, school and society. They do so by forming a gang and living by the rules of the Gang. They hang out at discos for fun, fight with other gangs when their interests are threatened and steal for a living. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 4.6/10 | |
Released: | September 23, 1999 | |
Genres: | Drama | |
Cast: | Nicholas Tse Grace Yip Melody Chen | |
Crew: | David Lam Kai Gay Wong | |
Danfis : I can actually feel this getting worse. Sooo boring. I feel kind of guilty. Yawn