The story begins with Sherry (Paula Abdul) declaring plans to hold a party that night. Upon hearing about this party, Jerry’s friend Paul (Kirk Burnett) encourages him to ask his crush Lori Scott (Karen Capelle) to accompany him to the event. On his way to doing this Jerry encounters several obstacles, including repeated run-ins with Keith (Mikal Robert Taylor), a school bully, and Vicki (Toni Mazarin), an ill-intentioned girl who hopes Jerry will ask her to the party so she can spite a previous boyfriend. (from Wikipedia every of same name) |
Ratings: | IMDB: 7.6/10 | |
Released: | October 1, 1978 | |
Runtime: | 37 min | |
Genres: | Drama Comedy Short | |
Cast: | P. David Ebersole Karen Capelle Kirk Burnett Mikal Robert Taylor | |
Crew: | Michael Nankin Steve Jacobson Briana London David Wechter | |
Researcher : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Okay film...good enough for a lazy afternoon, if there's nothing else to watch. Interestin...