Demetrio Cultrera, known as Dedé, is a young Sicilian playboy, rich and bachelor, who gets engaged to the beautiful and very rich Rosalba, daughter of the local “king of the Jordanian tuna”. After marriage, the attitude of the emancipated Rosalba, who tries to impose a “modern” marital life on her husband, collides with the “traditionalist” stereotypes of the spouse who badly endures the distortion of the classic wife-husband relationship and, still less, the constant attempts to convert him to the rites of “enlightened” high society. Dede tries to indulge his wife, but becomes increasingly hostile to her tastes and habits, to her sexually castrating observations and to her unbearable radical chic friends [1]. To find an outlet for his needs as a “free-range male”, he accepts the offer of the mature and fiery Elena, of whom he becomes the lover. But the situation worsens and Dedè is squeezed between Rosalba’s irritating arrogance and Elena’s obsessive passion.
joalex : Exactly my thought