Adult sisters Alex, Freddy, Jo, and Chris Morgan have been estranged from their wealthy father Benjamin Morgan for nine years; they blame him for their mother’s suicide. Their animosity stems from Benjamin’s affair with Elizabeth Hall—the current Mrs. Morgan. The older girls couldn’t tolerate what happened to their mother because of their father or that Elizabeth took her place. Freddy has turned to pills and booze to cope, while Jo parties hard to block out any thoughts of family. Chris, the youngest, is the innocent who can only take her sisters’ word about what happened in the past because she was too young at the time to fully comprehend everything. Now their elderly father requests that they come home on Christmas Eve. Alex, the eldest sister, advises the others that they should go back to see how he’s been getting along. When they see him, he has reinstated them in his will, and he believes that Elizabeth is trying to poison him to death and he wants his girls to stop her any way they can—including killing her, if need be. Elizabeth is unaware of the true reason that Benjamin has convened his daughters at this time. His belief in her murderous intention is partly due to the fact that she was charged but acquitted of the murder of her first husband, whose official cause of death was listed as suicide by self-induced poisoning. What happens among the girls under the circumstance is largely affected by their family “roles.” Shortly after the girls’ arrival, a torrential storm passes through the region, leaving them stranded as the sole road to the property is washed out and the phone lines are knocked out. Some of them now more than suspect that not only is Elizabeth trying to kill Ben, but them as well. Or are other factors in play for the potentially-deadly occurrences on the Morgan property that night?
Jen68g : Contains spoilers. Click to show. While I am truly enjoying his series, I can't help wonder why they've rewritten Dexter's f...