South of Sanity is a dark comedy spanning from 2018-2022 and follows Lacy Hilgreen, a recovering addict, and her dysfunctional Alabama family through the flea market circuits of the Deep South. Fresh out of rehab, fresh out of money and fresh out of options, Lacy is forced to leave Los Angeles and return to her home in rural Alabama and help with the family business t…Read all |
Ratings: | IMDB: 0.0/10 | |
Released: | Unknown | |
Genres: | Drama Comedy | |
Countries: | United States | |
Cast: | Robert Peters Shy Pilgreen Jennifer Pierce Mathus | |
Crew: | Robert Peters Shy Pilgreen Hannah Alline Jason White | |
cocorific : From what I've seen, it is scheduled to be released this month. Keep an eye for it!