Fate/strange fake is a light novel from the Fate franchise that takes place in an alternate universe, where various factions fight for the Holy Grail in a fictional US town called Snowfield. The story begins with the participation of a new Servant, called False Archer, who belongs to the Church faction. With its appearance, several other factions are forced to reveal …Read all |
Ratings: | IMDB: 7.3/10 | |
Released: | July 2, 2023 | |
Genres: | Animation Action Short | |
Countries: | Japan | |
Companies: | A-1 Pictures Aniplex TYPE-MOON KADOKAWA INSPION EDGE | |
Cast: | Kana Hanazawa David W. Collins Ben Balmaceda | |
Crew: | Shun Enokido Takahito Sakazume Daisuke Ohigashi Ryôgo Narita Kinoko Nasu | |
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grasshopper rex : I'm confused. Is your comment directed at me? Why would you single me out in this thread t...