“Breaking the Silence” is a fresh, new-look documentary film dedicated to everyone around the world who suffers quietly and in the shadows - alone, worn out, and without hope. Essentially, at its heart, this film is an intense journey deep into the mind, how it can break, and how it can heal. It is a story which very will touch many, many hearts and minds, no matter w…Read all |
Ratings: | IMDB: No rating yet | |
Released: | May 2, 2023 | |
Runtime: | 58 min | |
Genres: | Documentary | |
Countries: | United States | |
Cast: | Kay Redfield Jamison Dara Sanandaji Kasra Sanandaji | |
Crew: | Dara Sanandaji Freddie Bell | |
yellow_rose1 : Listening to the loons call on the lake in the beginning of the movie takes me back to my ...