Deep in Canada’s remote Yukon, a dramatic coming of age story unfolds involving an adolescent grizzly named Sophie. Wildlife filmmaker Phil Timpany has chronicled her all her life. Now he’s capturing her first steps into adulthood-and motherhood-and the many challenges threatening both her and her rambunctious cubs. Witness Sophie’s journey as she learns the ropes, tr…Read all |
Ratings: | IMDB: 7.6/10 | |
Released: | January 10, 2021 | |
Runtime: | 46 min | |
Genres: | Documentary | |
Countries: | Canada | |
Companies: | Omnifilm Entertainment | |
Crew: | Phil Timpany Chris Aikenhead | |
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Version 1 404.3 MB | | 8 views | Report Link | ||
Version 2 | | 1 views | Report Link | ||
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jamouyi : dont know why they made watchmen 1 and 2 when so far it doesnt stray that far from the mov...