Based on actual events and by far, one of the most infamous Japanese assassination mysteries of all time, this movie portrays a unique view of the bloody yet beautiful world of war and love in 1863. The story is set 155 years ago, during the battles that ended the Shogun era and through the eyes of young Itosato, we gather an interesting glimpse into a world surrounded by the most arcane women, who for the times they were destined to live, were very similar to the women of today; displaying leadership and strength within the bounds of a society at large. Itosato is a “TENJIN,’ who is a courtesan in training just beneath the rank of TAYOU, which carries an Aristocratic title of Supreme Entertainer in the old capital city of Kyoto. There are two more women who play a key role in this story and all three women are in love with men who are commanders within the infamous special police task force, Shinsen-Gumi. A task force that was organized to protect Shogun government under the command of the Kyoto Military Commissioner. We find happiness and sacrifice through their struggles to survive this decisive war and through the battles that changed the way Japan was being governed. Ryoko Fujino who plays Itosato and Junpei Mizobata who plays Toshizo Hijikata, have both been awarded Japan’s Rising Star Academy Award. This movie is an expression of great artistic minds coming together and creating a brilliant human drama. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 7.5/10 | |
Released: | January 1, 2018 | |
Runtime: | 117 min | |
Genres: | Action Drama Romance | |
Countries: | Japan | |
Cast: | Takaaki Enoki Ryôko Fujino Mariko Akiya | |
Crew: | Mikiya Kashima Narito Kaneko Nobuhiro Monma | |
Susan Queen : I Loved this !! Briana Cole writes some cool scripts for tv and this was another creepy ...