This fast-paced, 19 minute short film follows the young husband and wife movie making duo of the determined Scott and perpetually upbeat Eva (played by real life husband and wife, Anthony and Arielle Fanelli) ) as they attempt to make their own independent short film starring and directed by only themselves and maybe their friend/cameraman Austin if he ever shows up. “Juncture” shifts seamlessly back and forth between Scott and Eva “on set” discussing their insecurities and second guessing every creative choice they’ve made, are making and will make - to then watching the film within the film, “The Debt.” “The Debt” tells the tale of the low-level “mobster” duo of the stressed out Lincoln and the hot-head Aiden (who are being played by Scott and Eva, who again are being played by Anthony and Arielle Fanelli). Lincoln and Aiden soon find themselves in way over their heads when a routine gambling debt shakedown results in the unplanned kidnapping of a mysterious man who may or may not have access to a random stash of cash. When word comes from their boss Roni (played in voiceover by Scott and Lincoln’s friend Jay, who is played by Jay McKinney) that this mystery man is someone that shouldn’t be messed with, the usually indecisive Scott has to make a very quick and life-changing decision. Making movies is hard. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 8.8/10 | |
Released: | May 1, 2019 | |
Runtime: | 19 min | |
Genres: | Crime Comedy Short | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | Aphotic | |
Cast: | Anthony Fanelli Brendan Hannigan Arielle Fanelli | |
Crew: | Anthony Fanelli | |
yellow_rose1 : Listening to the loons call on the lake in the beginning of the movie takes me back to my ...