Stephanie (Stephanie Drake) has had a role in Mad Men. The show finishes filming. She returns home, open her desk calendar, and discovers a lot of free time. That night she falls asleep watching Betty White on TV. The next day she awakens, checks her phone, and finds no messages. She makes calls and catches up with relatives. She remains in her pajamas all day. Later, she tries to learn Spanish and watches “Driving Miss Daisy” in bed before falling asleep. By the second day of a similar routine of awakening with no agenda, eating pizza, talking to her mother on the phone and watching movies, Stephanie is bored and grumpy. The next morning with her hair and make-up a mess, she calls Jack (Jack Robinson) and insists he have coffee with her. Stephanie does not drink coffee. She complains to Jack about her boredom. Jack suggests she make use of the time by volunteering. Stephanie says she does not like the homeless and does not like children. Jack asks what she does like. Stephanie says she likes old people and is inspired to go to the senior center down the street. Jack recommends that she should first shower. Siggy (Stephanie Rose), the intake person at the senior center is suspicious of Stephanie’s willingness to volunteer saying people like her are too busy with their snappy chat. Stephanie recounts old people including a man who fooled her as a child with fake teeth, singing Christmas Carols to a woman who told Stephanie she looked Jewish and her admiration of their cuteness of the elderly in how they dress, speak their minds and have good stories. Stephanie says she loves to listen. Stephanie also admits an extreme fear of dying which may help her when she volunteers. Siggy assigns her to Miss Briar (Peggy Painton). Stephanie approaches Miss Briar while she is watching the Blue Bloods. Miss Briar comments she also likes SVU. Stephanie asks if Miss Briar is from New York. Briar tells her she lived there 30 years and has a daughter that still there. The daughter has recently broken both wrists. In the prior year, the daughter broke both her ankles. Miss Briar calls her daughter a clumsy little bitch. When Stephanie asks why Miss Briar moved to Los Angeles, she learns that Miss Briar was escaping her second husband who used to beat her. Miss Briar also confess that she had two abortions during the time they were together. Stephanie further learns that Miss Briar has already lost two sons to heart attacks and has had two heart attacks of her own and waiting for the next one to happen. Stephanie asks Miss Briar if she is scared. Mis Briar responds that she is not and has seen enough of life already. When Stephanie decides to leave, Miss Briar asks Stephanie to sneak her in a big jug of red wine and gives her the money to pay for it. Stephanie agrees The next say Stephanie learns that Miss Briar has passed away the previous night from liver failure. Siggy confides that Miss Briar sure did love her wine. Siggy suggest that Mr. Liu (Ray Nobuhiro) in the lounge might need some company. When Stephanie meets him, they work on a jigsaw puzzle together. As Stephanie is departing, she says that she loves him under her breath. The next day, as Stephanie approaches the senior center, two elderly people scurry away in the opposite direction. Siggy is sitting outside and informs Stephanie her that Mr. Liu died early this morning. Stephanie asks if there is something she is doing wrong. Siggy tells her there that it is probably an unfortunate coincidence but now no one at the senior center wants to visit with her. The residents call her the “Death Angel.” Stephanie wanders away bewildered.
dickgrimes : Follow the Leader, if a few people say it's bad the sheep follow 🤷🏾♂️😆