Narrated by renowned scientist Dr. Sylvia Earle, SAVING SEA TURTLES: PREVENTING EXTINCTION focuses on a record-breaking sea turtle stranding season on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, where over 1,200 cold-stunned sea turtles washed ashore in 2014. Over 90 percent of the stranded sea turtles were Kemp’s Ridleys, the world’s most critically endangered sea turtle. This massive wildlife emergency marshaled an inspiring response, involving people from over 10 states and 21 institutions and even showcases “the largest airlift of an endangered species probably anywhere in the United States, quite possibly the world.” This documentary also tells the larger natural history story of the Kemp’s Ridley and how humans pushed a healthy population to the precipice of extinction and are now slowly helping it to recover. The Kemp’s Ridley was once heralded as an endangered species success story in the making, but that all changed in 2010 after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico, making the work of the conservationists, marine biologists and volunteers critical to the survival of the species. Awards: Green Spark Conservation Hero Award - American Conservation Film Festival - Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA.
Danfis : Plus there is a movie!!!