The story follows two 11th graders, Stacy Snyder (Bridget McGarry) and Liz Castillo-Campbell (Victoria Leigh) who were best friends until the 7th grade when a mysterious event drove them apart. Stacy joined the popular crowd and Liz, who was outed publicly, fell in with the freaks and became a goth. After years of antagonizing each other, Stacy is moved to repair the friendship after Liz’s little brother accidentally drowns. Stacy invites Liz to join her for a weekend getaway at her vacation home in the Poconos where they used to go when they were friends, but Liz insists she be able to bring her own misfit group of friends and acquaintances from the school’s fringe groups with the intent to retaliate for years of misery caused by Stacy. Chaperoned by Stacy’s older brother Brandon and his bubbly girlfriend, Jess, the eight high school Gen-Xers are confronted by the future, adulthood, and their own personal issues. They realize they share more than just feeling alienated and lost, and that friendships can be mended in the woods with a lot of music, games and a little bit of love and weed. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 0.0/10 | |
Released: | Unknown | |
Runtime: | 112 min | |
Genres: | Comedy | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | Brooklyn Shadow Productions Futuregraph Entertainment | |
Cast: | Heather Matarazzo Alice Kremelberg Emily Bergl | |
Crew: | Victoria Leigh Bridget McGarry Kevin T. Morales | |
moongoddess : I notice the banner above still states 'in development'. Considering this mini series has ...