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An elderly Margaret Thatcher talks to the imagined presence of her recently deceased husband as she struggles to come to terms with his death while scenes from her past life, from girlhood to British prime minister, intervene.

  • Currently 3.2/5
(5 votes)
Ratings: IMDB: 6.4/10
Released: December 26, 2011
Runtime: 105 min
Genres: Drama Biography
Countries: United Kingdom France
Companies: DJ Films Pathé Film4 UK Film Council DJ Films CinéCinéma Pathé! Yuk Films Film4 Productions Canal+ Goldcrest Pathé
Cast: Meryl Streep Richard E. Grant Jim Broadbent Susan Brown
Crew: Phyllida Lloyd Abi Morgan

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Version 2 701.3 MB mixdrop.ag 20 views Report Link
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Version 3 701.3 MB dood.watch 2 views Report Link
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xerox 3 points 4 years ago. 4/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

‘ding dong’. Wonderful performance and highly enjoyable film that focuses largely on personal relationships rather than career. 4/5

Many familiar faces fill the cast and carry it well, overall stellar performances, the moments of lost memory are heart wrenching and superbly acted.
I found some of the audio effects unbearable at times eg hushed echoing of her children pleading.
Cinematography largely muted dullard tones seemingly catching a nostalgia of older cinema.

Thatcher (ignoring my own stance) undeniably polarised the nation, I myself knew some who vastly gained from her reign, while others, many others suffered.
Film seems to gloss over some of more interesting points, wherein her persona of iron lady was created is underplayed as a point but she carried this scene remarkably well ( but underplays her role in being first politician to create a persona , PR consultants and truly changed political game) .
The film does wonders to soften the ‘iron’ yet I struggle to forget the celebrations upon her death, understanding the reasoning yet saddened for her family and friends.
I found myself easily sympathising someone who was commonly compared to Hitler, the ravages and fragility of age are horrible.

The ending, I was honestly annoyed that it did not show the celebrations of her death, public opinion of her at the time and the ‘ding dong’

darklighter1 2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Why would they ever show a bunch of scumbags celebrating arguably the second greatest PM in English history’s death? That’s morbid and lacks class. Most people consider her one of the greatest leaders of all time not to mention an achievement for womenkind and a model for future female leaders everywhere.

xerox 3 points 4 years ago. 4/5 stars.

Public consensus on her was really rather harsh.

I believe the persons celebrating her death actually rocketed ‘Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead’ into first place for single sales.

It does seem to encapsulate public perception of her really rather well, and given reaction Jon Q held to government spending on the art work depiction of her which was mirrored in several presses seemed to well…Yes.

Throughout film it states and I am paraphrasing so you will have to forgive me that ‘people may not like her but people in future will remember her for good she did for the nation’ Which seemingly doesn’t ring true.

And utterly S.N. here but at time and even now she was ahem largely considered a traitor and loathed by feminists then and now on the whole.

MarkRowley 1 points 4 years ago*. 4/5 stars.

Oddly enough her party has had two female leaders (who were also prime ministers) and yet the party that celebrated her death the most, the left wing of the labour party, has never elected a female to lead them throughout their history. I remember her fondly for the way she smashed the corrupt unions who had surpassed their mandate to protect the workers and were just on a power grab.

xerox 0 points 4 years ago*. 4/5 stars.

Likely both of those females aren’t nor will be fondly remembered.

I believe entirely from memory now that the majority of the house actually expressed sentiments of condolence and some of even commented sternly on behaviour of the masses upon her death.

It was largely the populous that celebrated rather than political party members, at least publicly. Very much error to celebrate death of any fellow politician publicly you’d be hoisted up runners of the gallows metaphysically speaking.