Sagar reveals that it revolves around six to seven characters.”Ashwin plays a mechanic named Shambu and Tito his friend John. There is a love track involving Shambu and a girl named Jincy. Their lives are changed forever upon their encounter with three other characters-Manu, Meera, and Anil. They become intertwined in an incident pertaining to a medical shop.’Kumbarees’ is something friends call each other in Alappuzha. It’s the Alappuzha equivalent of machan, or aliya, or saho, or bro. The film is essentially about friendship. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 5.0/10 | |
Released: | August 23, 2019 | |
Runtime: | 119 min | |
Genres: | Action Thriller | |
Countries: | India | |
Companies: | Goodwill Entertainments Joby George Creations | |
Cast: | Vijayakumar Ramesh Pisharody Eldho Mathew | |
Crew: | Sagar Hari | |
groundhopper65 : Renewed for a second season before it even premiered.