In the wake of a horrendous crime committed by his older brother, Makoto (Ryo Anraku) runs away from home and follows around a mysterious, silent vagrant (played by Katayama) who gets hired to beat people up. At the same time, radio announcer Hiromi (Mie Ota) tries to ward off the increasingly aggressive attention of her boss, with whom she starts a half-hearted affai…Read all |
Ratings: | IMDB: 5.5/10 | |
Released: | July 17, 2020 | |
Runtime: | 99 min | |
Genres: | Drama | |
Countries: | Japan | |
Cast: | Ryô Katayama Ryô Anraku Mari Kishi | |
Crew: | Ryô Katayama | |
Susan Queen : This was hilarious until she started preaching near the end !