An Athlete Wrestling a Python follows Julien Goethe, a frustrated filmmaker yearning to craft an enduring masterpiece. Galvanised by a government grant, she begins work on an Athlete Wrestling a Python, a film following a frustrated filmmaker yearning to craft an enduring masterpiece. Art and life delicately collide as Julien’s feckless boyfriend and dysfunctional family struggle to understand her just as much as the actors portraying them struggle to understand her direction. In a dramatic denouement within a dramatic denouement, Julien’s family falls apart on and off screen, leaving her to ponder whether her artistic stoicism and uncompromising vision have ultimately left her unfulfilled. It’s lonely at the top. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 0.0/10 | |
Released: | January 1, 2019 | |
Genres: | Drama Short | |
Countries: | Australia | |
Companies: | AFTRS | |
Cast: | Anthony Phelan Josephine Starte Georgia Wilkinson-Derums Tom Anson Mesker | |
Crew: | Stephanie Jane Day | |
ErichKlopfton : Man, do I love this show! I don´t wanna go into details too much but this is a Haley-Mor...