The Irish Comedy Tour is a fast-paced, raucous ride across America with Derek Richards, Mike McCarthy, Derrick Keane and Damon Leibert. The tour opens to a packed Infinity Hall in Norfolk, CT and, along w/behind-the-scenes footage, give us a lighthearted look at life on the road and the high-spirited experience of being Irish in America. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 5.3/10 | |
Released: | June 11, 2019 | |
Runtime: | 59 min | |
Genres: | Comedy | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | Comedy Dynamics | |
Cast: | Mike McCarthy Derrick Keane Damon Leibert | |
Crew: | Derek Richards Brad O'Connor | |
kronickurves : Contains spoilers. Click to show. I feel for Deb. Dex and Harry, never on time. I can relate!