The fourth installment to the Spider-Man Saga. Months after Vengeance, Spider-Man (Mark Ricci) is now wanted and is seen a public menace. A Russian hunter named Kraven the Hunter (Ricar Giachini) decides it is his mission to kill the Spider-Man, on behalf of the city. It is up to Spider-Man to stop Kraven, rise out of this reputation, and become the hero the city want…Read all |
Ratings: | IMDB: 7.1/10 | |
Released: | March 15, 2018 | |
Genres: | Action Sci-Fi | |
Countries: | Canada | |
Cast: | Cheryl De Luca Mark Ricci Carter Purtelle | |
Crew: | Mark Ricci Cameron Dodd Ricar Giachini | |
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joalex : Exactly my thought