An alien astronaut, Evena (Eva Igo), crash lands onto planet Earth where an evolved species called “humans” dominate. Meanwhile on earth two best friends are following their dreams to become scientist. The film revolves around the investigation of an alien astronaut, Evena (Eva Igo) by these two best friends Luna Rigel (Preslee Tucker) and Naomi Portman (Chloe Klitus) who investigate marginalized, unsolved cases they hear over a transmitter FBI interceptor device Naomi invents. Luna believes in the existence of aliens and the paranormal while Naomi, a hopeful medical doctor and a skeptic, is always making scientific analyses of Luna’s discoveries to debunk her work and thus return her to mainstream “science”. Soon the two young scientist will be intertwined with the alien astronaut Evena. These two characters journey chronicle the pursuit of one UFO crash landing of (Evena from Bakuvian) that ends up in Luna being the first person on earth to make “First Contact” . |
Ratings: | IMDB: 7.5/10 | |
Released: | April 7, 2019 | |
Runtime: | 75 min | |
Genres: | Sci-Fi | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | Welling Films Deep Water Productions Motion Picture Group | |
Cast: | Darrin Dewitt Henson Eva Igo Derek H. Potts | |
Crew: | Shawn Welling Miriam Esther Goldman Claire Elizabeth Nathan Carliner Goldman | |
Xsile : Ok this was cool!